"Your skill is too high" (researching and cliff jumping))


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-You can't research books when your corresponding skill level is at maximum, it sais; 'your skill is too high to research this book' or something along those lines.
Makes sense? Not really, not being able to read a book just because it won't teach you anything new is weird, immersion breaking, takes away an extra thing to do when you have nothing to do, breaks role-playing, prevents player from working towards the 'research bonus thingy' to unlock, etc, etc...

-There's many ways to drop down cliffs right at climbing rope anchors, when there is no rope availible this can be exploited!
"Your skill is too high to use this rope, jump down the cliffs instead" Naw i'm just kidding :D but i'm serious about the exploit though.

-With the release of TMW there was no small 'transition' map, i was hoping that would not be the case for the next area once it's released, however it is the case, i don't know if the developers are working or making plans on these for the future, but i think it's a real shame that the two latest areas do not have a 'transition' map (especially TMW, i think most people can agree when i say that the weird valley you have to travel through first as a part of TMW is very boring, looks bland and lacks inspiration, odd because otherwise TMW is considered by the community as the best map and i agree)

So some weird mechanics here and there, might just be me but if you do have an opinion, please share it with us!


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