The Riken – Falling Literally Through Floor


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Let me start by saying that outside of this, I have had no other bugs or issues happen, to my knowledge. This one hit me so hard I was reeling for a few seconds (whaaaaa?).

While walking along the main inner-deck area (heading towards the Forge), I literally fell through the floor and continued falling for about five solid seconds. I was able to look up and see the map itself as I fell; once the fall "completed", I was deposited firmly by the door in the inner-upper area (near the counters, around the corner from the bunks).

This happened consistently, every single time I tried to move downstairs; I didn't actually fall through until I crossed the doorjamb on the main floor. The problem stopped happening when I left the Riken and re-entered.

It may help to note that I was pretty badly overencumbered, but I didn't think I'd be so heavy I'd fall out of the world!

Here's a pic for fun's sake:2lituhh.png

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1 hour ago, RossBondReturns said:

This happens occasionally...and it's good to note that the Teleport feature to recover the player that Hinterland have developed works.

Yes indeed, it's good to know there's a reliable fallback in the event something like this occurs. Thank you for letting me know I'm not the only one.

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