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I got to thinking, since you are constantly out in the cold, I think that you should be able to get the common cold and flu, amongst other things, for example.

Common Cold - When notified, your character will begin to periodically cough and hack, and maybe on a rare occasion sneeze as well. It should also trigger the shivering sound, complete with the chattering teeth. As for affecting your health, you would simply weaken, exhausting yourself faster and constantly needing to drink more water. To add to the atmosphere, if you are coughing, you can potentially scare away your next meal, or attract unwanted attention from wolves and bears.

Flu - When you get this, you weaken quicker, and can gag, and potentially vomit. If you vomit, you lose water and food, depleting their respective bars a bit. Also, depending on the severity of the affliction, you can potentially pass out at unlucky times.

Both would also weaken your immunity to other ailments, especially food poisoning. The worse of quality that the food you eat is, the easier it is to contract FP. Hypothermia would also set in quicker.

Other thoughts are welcome from anyone, here are a few more from me: concussion- woozy and induces vomiting; gangrene- lacerations and such can potentially cause that part of your body to shut down, swiftly knocking you down and killing you if not treated properly; etc.

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