who's initials on the crosses


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so I got curious and looked at the grave markers in some spots and if I recall there was one that had initials in ML at the trapper's lodge. I forget what it had there don't have a game saved with anything near that for a screen cap but I am sure I will now get someone to go there and screen cap it out of curiosity. Assuming my aged memory is correct what's the story behind it if any? curious.

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yeah someone's last stand is there, but there is a body usually, err go, not his grave most likely right? I will have to get a game going. If I recall the ones by the church in CH don't have initials. I thought it was an AWESOME touch. Perhaps when/if the day comes, when you die you could "sign" your journal, and then, future games you start could grab some of those journal signings and use them in your gameplay (like graffiti carved into a tree or cabin wall (Kilroy was here) or initials on a cross.) Totally unnecessary but adds an element of personal tough in there some might get a kick out of.


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