Customizing Tools and Weapons


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What I mean by this is finding things to make your tools better, like a better stock for the gun to reduce sway, or a better blade for the axe/knife so you can harvest faster. One thing I would like to clarify is that the upgrades would be things anyone could do with basic knowledge of said weapon or tool(I not saying adding lazer sights for the gun(firstly it wouldnt work because of the geomagstorm and one would need to calibrate it so it doesnt aim somewhere other than it shoots.)) let me know what you think of it and any suggestions for possible attachments.

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Welcome to the forums! Grab a cup of coffee and enjoy your stay :coffee:

I like the idea of customizing tools, especially weapons - not all tools should be customizable, such as your knife and hatchet examples - at this point, it's an entirely new tool (though I wouldn't mind finding a "Quality Knife" or "Quality Hatchet" since we already have "Quality Tools"), but I do dig rifle customization. However that's a bit limited by the make and model of the rifle - the stock doesn't seem to be detachable. However, a scope that, on the flipside, requires some shots to zero in, would be a nice addition. Maybe a better trigger that allows for more carefully placed shots (I'm a German, so no guns for me, so I don't know how this really works), Maybe a flash hider?

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Thank you for the welcome, I'm thinking maybe you can add some hide to the gun handle to get a better grip. Though sadly a scope would likely be to advanced for our suvivor enless they have training because a scope would require calibration to acually ain properly and that is something and experience person would do :(

But I do like the idea of finding better tools other that % such as an axe as an upgrade to a hatchet, maybe it would allow you to harvest the tree stumps for wood.

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