Ice/Snow is highlighted inside mines


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Summary: Ice/Snow is highlighted inside mines

Version: v0.348

Platform: Windows 7 64bit

Location: Whiteout Challenge - Cinder Hills Coal Mine

Reproduction Rate: Noted when passing though cave. Persistent.

Description: At night, snow is highlighted to give a glow affect underneath a moon. However, this same lighting seems to be applied to the snow and ice inside the Cinder Hills Coal Mine. There is a frosted over door roughly halfway through the mine. While traversing at night using only matches the ice on the door seemed to glow. I just thought it was a really weird thing to see given that it is glowing ice inside a mine.  The glowing part is roughly in the center of the image at the same level as the location name. 5770b6d36d164_screen_(-9-432)_88185fc1-f

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