the hotfix made this game amazing

Jake Dolan

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After a long day of waiting for the hot fix, I run downstairs from my bed in the Lighthouse, like a kid on Christmas morning, I hustle downstairs to see, I HAVE THE ABILITY TO SEE, all of my tools beautifully laid out are visible, all of my skins and guts are seen on the floor, I CAN SEE EVERYTHING I DONT NEED TO BURN ALL OF MY LANTERN FUEL NOW.


I love this hot fix. 

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7 minutes ago, Wastelander said:

Now I have to clean up my base and drag everything to its appropriate spot. Thanks, Hinterland...

(But no, seriously, that Hotfix was amazing. Thank you, Hinterland!)

In case noone's done so yet, welcome to the forums Jake!

thank you :D. ive been a lurker for a long time I've just never posted anything. but after the joy i just experienced in this game i felt i needed to express it LOL

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1 minute ago, Jake Dolan said:

thank you :D. ive been a lurker for a long time I've just never posted anything. but after the joy i just experienced in this game i felt i needed to express it LOL

Same thing here. I was looking for some answers regarding development roadmap, saw the posts on here and thought 'yup, this is fun, I wanna be a part of this!'

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