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Hello there.

This is my first post in here. Been playing tld more than a year and absolute love this game.

Today i was in timberwolf, 98 days, no hunger or thirst and went to bed and im dead! I go to ser in my last sandbox to see my cause of death and it doenst exist.

4 months ago hapened something similar. I exited the game and the saved sandboxes disapeared.

Sorry for the rant but i am giving up and going to play the finished game (not alpha).

Good hunting to all.

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Guest Support

I'm a bit confused by your post - How long did you sleep? You can easily die in your sleep from a number of things. 

When you went back to check your cause of death, what were you looking for? Did you save your journal upon death? The save is deleted once you die, so I'm not sure what you're expecting to see. If you could elaborate a bit we can determine what's going on. 

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Hello there.

I did not know i have to save the jornal.

I was in the tiimberwolf house with all the fur clothes, with 65% condition, full water and food, and went to sleep 8 hours and died.

If i nedded to save the jornal to later review my sandbox run then its my fault, sorry and never mind.

Thank you very much for the quick response.

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Hello jansh

As you are writing that this happened in bed I assume you were in the Mountaineers Hut.

If so then you probably froze to death as the hut can get extremely cold towards morning. (happened to me too)

Different from the sleeping bag you dont wake when freezing in a bed.



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