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  1. The image speaks for itself. Would be limited to 2 shells and would fit the older Frontier aesthetics of the island quite well.
  2. Alright so I tried this but the game still cannot detect mouse and keyboard. I'm using my old ps4 controller and that works but any attempt to get the mouse and keyboard to function fails past the menus. I'm really not sure what to do to fix this. I really do not want to use a controller if I don't have to.
  3. I can't move on any builds I try before the redux update. I'm trying to replay predux wintermute and when I boot up wintermute or survival mode my mouse and keyboard stops working once I get control of my character. Why can't I move? What's the deal?
  4. I know it was in the 4DON event but I remember hearing someone say it was in the Darkwalker Event too. Or was that only for the 2020 version before it was made a challenge?
  5. I myself got very upset at this change when the redux version came out. I also miss going the long way through spruce falls rather than just walking 2 minutes to town. Doesn't really feel like you crash landed in the middle of nowhere.