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  1. I bought it but it is not working so I'm just trying to make sure I'm not the only one I guess since hinterland support will not answer me what so ever and yes I know where to got to enter the new territory the broken railroad is simply just not crossable
  2. Does this not work on PS5 because it is not working at all for me and I have tried everything some one help 😭
  3. It's been like a month maybe even longer since the first one I submitted
  4. I have submitted several tickets with absolutely no reply what so ever
  5. Yes I know the broken railroad continues to be uncrossable and yes it is installed or says it is anyway when I go to it but no it does not look like that
  6. So is the Tales from a far addon not supposed to work for PS5 when the rest of the game does? Because it doesn't and if so can that please be fixed 😭
  7. So why doesnt this add on work on PS5 when the rest of the game does?