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mackenzieapologist's Achievements


Wolfbait (1/4)



  1. While wandering Mystery Lake and lamenting my lack of matches, I realized how strange it is for the protagonist to be reliant on mass-produced firestarting tools. Indigenous peoples around the world have developed numerous firestarting tools that are built by hand- drills, bows, boards, et cetera. These are most certainly less reliable than a match, and definitely labor-intensive to create and to use, but I feel like any bushman would have at least some knowledge of these tools. Especially with wilderness survival books in the game, coming across these techniques feels like it'd be a great addition- especially on harder difficulties or once a region has been picked over. I've no present ideas for materials/recipes, level access, et cetera. I just think that not being able to make a firestarting tool is a strange gap in the protagonist's survival knowledge, given everything else that is known or learned as we explore Great Bear.