Retro Seamstress

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Posts posted by Retro Seamstress

  1. I had a similar issue with ATDS  recently. My run started fine, but then got buggy after climbing back up from the Ravine Basin. First bug I encountered were deer spawning and I started to heal. Birch bark tree also appeared on the crafting menu. After closing the game and opening it again I wasn't healing anymore and the deer had vanished. But similar to what you mentioned, it seems all wildlife vanished including predators. I didn't see or hear a single wolf (or any other wildlife) from Ravine all the way to the Riken. I can't remember if one of the updates happened in the middle of my run that may have triggered the bug. Definitely worth reporting.

    Here's the link to the issues I encountered. I submitted a bug report as well.


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  2. Do you mean the one under the boards? I recently did a stalker run to collect the new stuff. I remember repairing the transmitter and finding the memento cache at the Old Substation under some boards (the wooden walkway on the ground).

    Edit: This was the first time I've gone looking for memento caches in Blackrock so I don't know if it has changed location from where it was previously. I just know I did find one at the Old Substation since the update with the new recipes and firearms etc..

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  3. I mentioned sticks as I recently attempted the As The Dead Sleep challenge. Starting in Bleak Inlet I swear there was not a single damn stick on the ground from the lighthouse until I was close to the cave to Forlorn Muskeg (at which point the Timberwolves got me). Even on subsequent runs I've noticed there are hardly any sticks around. I don't normally spend much time in BI so I don't know if that's normal. 

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  4. 14 hours ago, mountain-exile said:

    Get impatient and travel in a blizzard or heavy fog, even if you know the way, especially at night 

    Especially in Forsaken Airfield - all those wide open spaces with no landmarks make it so easy to get lost. 

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  5. On 7/29/2023 at 11:04 PM, bysinda said:

    I tried to keep it my main base and bring all the loot I find there but quickly abandoned that system. Now, I too, have a few main bases like Camp Office, Blackrock prison, Quonset Garage, Grey Mother's house, Community Center, and keep notes of loot I found and where I left it 

    I also keep notes of what stuff I have where, especially things like if there is a heavy hammer with a forge or tools with a workbench since these items are heavy and I don't want to be carrying them around unless necessary. The notes are particularly handy if I've had a break from a game for a bit to do something like one of the challenges or a different mode. Becomes easy to forget what stuff you had where in which run.

  6. These days I make sure I'm a good distance away from the Moose, preferably somewhere it can't get me. I had a heck of scare when I discovered the one at the cove in Forsaken Airfield can indeed make it up to the cabin. I had gone down the stairs to the bottom of the cove, hit the moose with an arrow and sprinted back up the stairs without even checking to see if he was following. Ran out of stam at the top of the stairs but thought "I probably overacted, he's not following". I was just getting to the cabin when I heard the  grunts and stampeding hoofs. I ran inside so fast and closed the door. Then nearly had a heart attack as the moose's head clipped through the wall near the kitchen sink. I just crouched in the dead centre of the room until my heart rate came down. At one point I stood up and the moose must be able to see in the windows as he came charging back. I decided this was a good time to take a nap for a few hours. I think I stayed crouched until I decided to sneak out the back of the cabin and have a look down to the cove. Thankfully Mr Moose was back down in the cove. I don't know if he actually could get me from inside the cabin, but I wasn't going to risk standing near the doors or windows to find out.

    It's these heart pounding moments that keep you from getting too complacent :)

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  7. Oof, that's a nasty spot to get moosed. Reminds me of my very first encounter with a moose, which was also my first (and only so far) moose stomping. I was in Hushed River Valley. I'd never seen a moose before as I was still fairly new to the game. I was doing the Faithful Cartographer challenge and had made my way to Monolith Lake. I climbed up the little island in the middle and thought, this is an excellent spot to map the area. The moose must have been out of my line of sight when I started mapping as all I heard were these angry grunts and stampeding hoofs. I finished mapping, turned around and BLAM! Got pounded into the icy ground by a very angry moose. I didn't survive long enough to heal my ribs after that. I didn't know HRV very well and as the Moose walked away, a blizzard rolled in. I just tried to limp away in the opposite direction to the moose. Got completely lost, was freezing, then as the blizzard eased up I stumbled around a corner straight into a wolf who ended that run. Needless to say, it was a memorable experience.

    Moose are terrifying.

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  8. I recently did ATDS for the first time. While I didn't attempt to go to FA, I did get lucky with a well stocked prepper bunker in Forlorn Muskeg. I was surprised as I thought ATDS was on Interloper settings. I got snow boots, old fashioned parka, bunch of food, etc.. Enough to keep me from instantly freezing outside. I went to Spencer's and made an improvised hatchet for better wolf protection. Turns out I didn't need to as I ended up picking up several normal hatchets along the way. While I didn't see any firearms, I did see gun cleaning kits, which I thought was a bit weird. I assumed that ATDS is more Interloper-ish. Though I encountered a definite bug after visiting the Ravine basin. I climbed back up the rope and encountered 2 deer, which definitely weren't there before. Then when I slept I noticed I was starting to recover health. Birch bark tea also turned up in the crafting menu. Reported the bug. Reloaded the game and the deer were gone and I was no longer recovering health, though birch bark tea was still showing in the menu. Decided to keep going on to the last grave near The Riken. Realised my game was definitely still bugged as I didn't see or hear a single wolf (or any other wildlife) from the Ravine all the way to The Riken (reported that too). I'm now wondering if my game was bugged from the start and that prepper bunker shouldn't have been stocked and I shouldn't have been finding regular hatchets. 


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  9. There are definitely a lot of wolves around the maintenance shed and lake in BR. There's usually two up at the lodge, and one on the ridge between the bridge and the rope climb. The shed is a great spot for target practice as you can stand inside the outer bit of the shed and shoot through the windows and doorway. I usually just stand at the window with a bunch of raw meat or guts in my inventory and just wait for the wolves to come and shoot them. If you've got 3 scent marks then I swear every wolf for miles comes over. If you're lucky, you'll even get the bear to wander into the yard. I think at one point on stalker I had around 6-7 wolf bodies outside the window that faces towards to lake. You can put a campfire on the floor in there so between that and the bed, it's a good spot to cook up a bunch a meat without worrying about cabin fever as you're technically outdoors. There's the forge and workbench inside the shed, and plenty of crates to bust up for firewood. 

  10. 1 hour ago, conanjaguar said:

    Didn’t want to create a new thread, but I’m kinda lost again :D. I went to Deer Clearing, which is supposed  to have the last rope up to the Summit, and nada.

    I still need to use the wiki map sometimes to find the way up to the summit in TWM if it has been a while. Even then, I found it difficult to find the first couple of times even with the map. I usually go to Deer Clearing, make the side trip to Ash Canyon via the cave to go and get the Technical Backpack (to carry all the summit loot), then come back to TWM and go to the summit. 

    If you're standing at the cave in Deer Clearing, looking towards the cargo containers, then you want to turn right and go up that hill. Then you kinda hug the left and turn left where there are some fallen trees. There's usually a some rose hips and deer carcass near where you head down a slope that takes you to the bottom of the rope climb. If on the way from Deer Clearing you come to a rabbit grove (and often a wolf), you've missed the turn, but if you keep hugging the left you can circle around to the right spot. If you come to the bear cave you've gone too far. The rope climb will take you to Secluded Shelf and a cave. The cave system will pop you out on another plateau over on the western side. Hug the right and that will take you around to another rope climb up the actual summit. 

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  11. My first base camp was Trapper's Homestead in ML. I think mainly because the first stalker run I did where I lasted more than a few days started in Mystery Lake. I still use it as one of my main base camps. I like the smaller size of the cabin compared to the Camp Office. I can have two things going on the stove while crafting stuff at the workbench, or getting in a few short naps. I set a few snares outside for bunnies early on and practice my archery on the bear and occasional moose and deer. Easy access to Mountain Town and Forlorn Muskeg. 


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  12. I just loaded my stalker game after the update. I was in Grey Mother's house in Milton. When I exited the house I got stuck on the loading screen. It's just stuck there for several minutes before I force closed the game. Anyone else had this issue?  

    Edit: I verified files in Steam (8 files failed to verify) and restarted my computer and now it appears to be working okay.

  13. Have you tried looking at the map on the wiki? It's rotated 90 degrees, but once you know the landmarks it's pretty easy.

    My usual route to TWM from PV is to go up the plane crash, then between the two ends of the plane there is a path roughly NE, that goes downhill to a sort of valley. Turn right and head east-ish along the valley. You'll come to a hunters blind. Keep going the same direction until you see a tree with some lichen and veer left (keep an eye and ear out for wolves). You'll shortly come to another tree with lichen and turn left up the hill. There's a dilapidated house with an outhouse behind it. If you're facing uphill, then there is a rope climb to the right (east-ish) of the house that will take you to the path to TWM. Behind the house is a fallen tree and behind that is the abandoned prepper bunker, which has a bed if you need a spot to rest before climbing.  

  14. I'm also getting both of  these issues. I have cooking level 5 and all recently cooked items are showing level 1 calories. This seems to apply to teas, meat, and the new cooked dishes. It will show the correct (level 5) calorie value when you first take it off the fire, but as soon as it is in your inventory it changes to level 1 calories. Things cooked prior to the 2.21 update retain their correct calorie value.

    I've also noticed the issue with pieces of meat <1kg changing to 1kg after being cooked. When I pick it up from the fire it shows <1kg, but when I then look at it in my inventory it has changed to 1kg. For me I noticed it when cooking small pieces of ptarmigan (leftover from making broth) on a camp fire and also on a skillet on a stove. I hadn't checked to see if it was happening with other types of meat yet, but sounds like it may be. 

    I'm playing a vanilla Stalker game on Steam, with the 2.21 update. I updated 2.20 and 2.21 together so I don't know if these issues are from the 2.20 or 2.21 update.

    I lodged a bug report about the meat changing weight today.

  15. 4 hours ago, Admin said:

    Thank you for reaching out. We're sorry to hear you're experiencing these issues. For further assistance, please reach out via the Support Portal:

    We look forward to helping you further!

    I submitted a bug report. I decided to keep playing it and when I reloaded it the deer had disappeared and I no longer appeared to be healing, but the birch bark tea was still in the crafting menu. After leaving The Ravine though I realised that it wasn't just the deer that had disappeared as I didn't see or hear a single wolf on the entire trip from The Ravine to The Ryken in DP. 

  16. First time posting here so apologies if this is a known bug. I recently decided to have a go at the As The Dead Sleep challenge. After a couple of failed attempts to get out of Bleak Inlet, I managed to get going on a good run. I've done the graves in BR, HRV, TWM, and had just visited the grave in the Ravine Basin and slept in the cave next to it before exiting. Today I've opened the game, climbed back up the rope and got a surprise when I saw a deer wandering around. Saw a second deer on my way back to the cave where I'd dropped some stuff. Thought it was odd as deer aren't meant to spawn in this challenge and I this is the first I've seen of them so far. After having a sleep in the cave I noticed that my health had recovered a bit (it was on around 75%, now it looks around 90%), which I know definitely isn't supposed to happen. I also noticed that Birch Bark Tea is now appearing on the crafting menu, which it shouldn't be. 

    Anyone else had this happen to them? I want to complete the challenge properly, but since I slept and the game saved I'm worried I've ruined my run and will have to start over. I tried closing the game and opening it again, but it looks like it's still the same.