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Posts posted by Nikikeya

  1. Please let us paint the Travois. Even if it doesn't show up on the map, I don't care, I'm just so sick of loosing it in low light conditions. 

    I tried to make an orange mark on it, so I'd be able to see it. It seemed to work, but when I looked later after stopping traveling, the mark was gone. 

    Please just let it stay. 




  2. A little bug I've noticed:

    A way I use to drop a few pounds when overburdened, is to eat and drink. Oddly though my character's walking speed always slows to a crawl, as though I've gained weight instead of loosing it. The only fix is to drop a heavy item out of my pack and then pick it back up; at which point Mack will return to regular walk speed for his level of burden.  

  3. 16 hours ago, survivor123 said:


    This game definitely needs candles you can craft to place at bases you set up. Light them at night instead of using your latern. Just add the ability to harvest fat from hunted animals. Use the fat to make candles. Thoughts.

    yeah, I talked about Craftable candles using the cans you get everywhere over on my 2nd post on A Few Quality Of Life Suggestions  

    I'd suggested just using lamp oil, but I would like to see tallow added to the game as well. 

  4. 3 hours ago, Enigmaecho said:

    I assumed there‘d be issues like this and so I just don’t use it on hills period, it’s safe to assume any hill with an incline warning is gonna snag the travios it’s meant for long flat ground hauls and small rolling hills and they more or less explained that by telling us no steep hills or narrows 🤷🏻‍♂️

    Its impractical though, the whole point of this was porting goods over long distances, you're always going to need to go over hills.

    If I can walk up the hill the travois should be able to follow. 

  5. This was my most wanted item (Aside from a sled) 

    But omg, am I having problems with these. Between the game telling me I can't go up steep inclines, (half ways down a hill and LOCKING ME IN PLACE.) To saying there's "No room for Travois" Despite it being wide open. 

    The darn things keep clipping through the map, and I had to save scum, after I set down the poles to unpack and port my items down the slight incline only for THE WHOLE DARN TRAVOIS AND ALL MY WORLDLY POSSESSIONS to no clip out of existence; 165 days worth of carefully stockpiled goods GONE because the collision on these mofo's aren't optimized to recognize THE GROUND as a SOLID OBJECT... 

    Adding an option in the menu to recall the travois in case of it falling out of the map and have it spawn nearby would be wonderful. 

    The no room for travois thing... yeah okay in doors obviously but if Mac fits through so should it, its not super wide. 

    The incline thing, at least when traveling down hill shouldn't be an issue. up hill fine, but getting stuck less than ten feet from the bottom of a hill in Winding River and then having to spin like a top in place to make it so the travois didn't no clip through the hill so I could put it down safely this time and unpack was completely unnecessary, I would have preferred it to knock me over, and both of us go rolling to the bottom of the hill and some of my stuff spill out and need to be repacked, (Maybe even gimme some sprains and bruises from the whole thing) Then being locked in place unable to move back or forward. If a wolf would have been on me I'd have been toast. 

    Still I understand Its a WIP, and I'm sorry if this was overly fussy. Still would like to see some patchwork done to them to keep this from happening again. 


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  6. On 12/4/2023 at 1:17 PM, UTC-10 said:

    Maybe the ingredients could be separated, with some effort, into meal packs of ingredients.  I may not want to carry 1.5 kg of Old Mill Flour to a location but maybe a smaller pack (0.20 kg) sufficient for one stew or four pies would give me better incentive to add it to my load.  

    Wonder if stew packs or pie packs where only the natural ingredient - i.e. the fish or the meat - is needed (along with the pot or skillet) to be cooked would be viable. 

    Since the devs have a lot on their plate it might be an enhancement for the future of Frontier Cooking.  

    Being able to break down other ingredients like you can water would be very nice, Dunno if someone could mod that for the PC players. (Boy do I wish the PS4 version could use mods.) 

  7. You can make syrup from most trees sap, (Maple is just the sweetest.) So they wouldn't even need to add new trees.

    You can also make sugar from the syrup by boiling it longer. 

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  8. On Ps4, just got DLC and updated to 2.25, and I go to skin a rabbit, wanting to leave the hides curing while I continue hunting, figuring I'll gut and fillet it later.

    And the whole rabbit disappeared. The hide is in my inventory, but the rest of the carcass is just gone. all the meat and guts vanished, because I skun it first.  

    So I tried to take meat and then leave the unskun or gutted rabbit, and it vanished too. 

    I've lost three rabbits, because I tried to just take one thing at a time. 

    Just happened with a ptarmigan too. gonna try quitting to my last save and see if its still a thing. 


    Shut off the game entirely, restarted and updated ps4, went back in and loaded my old save, went out and hunted three rabbits again

    Skun the first rabbit, got the hide and the carcass appeared in my inventory.
    Skun the second, got a 2nd hide, but no carcass. 
    Skun the 3rd, hide, no carcass.

    Dropped the first carcass out of my inventory: IT DISAPEARED TOO

    I dunno what to do, gonna try to start a new game and see if the bug is still happening. 

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  9. 25 minutes ago, UpUpAway95 said:

    So far, I've only found 2 spots - One on the pond in the Milton Basin just below the cave and one on the lower pond in Broken Railroad.  It's fiddly, but when you're near suitable ice instead of getting the text message you see your hole appear (it may be red or green, just like when you're trying to place a fire or a snow shelter.  The issue is that you can't just walk along with the interface open if you get the text message.  You have to keep closing it and trying from fresh in a new spot.  I think it's probably a bug (at least on the Xbox X), but I can't be sure.  If it is a bug, it may be what's preventing it from working in more of the locations listed in the Wiki.

    Oh! Okay thank you. I'm in Milton right now incidentally, so I'll run over and take a shifty. 

  10. Some More:

    Water Jugs: If you drop 10/20 gal of water at once, instead of little bottles an actual jug is dropped, this way there aren't thousands of bottles when you drop large batches. (Obviously anything bellow 10 or 20 gal dropped would still be separated into the smaller bottles.) when the jugs are grabbed you could choose how much water to take, and if the water remaining is less than 10/20 it would be split into smaller bottles.  

    Craftable Candles: Using the abundant tin cans we find/get and some lantern oil. The wicks for the candles could be made with cat tails or cured leather cut into strips. (thus giving those items more use.)  this for some longer lasting stationary light sources for bases. Cause indoors is so dark 24/7. ((And because there's currently and endless supply of tin cans that they won't allow me to scrap that would be better served being candles then cluttering the corner of my base.)) 

    Craftable Sleep Mats: for if you can't find a bed or sleeping bag. maybe you could weave cattail reeds or grass into mats. It wouldn't really provide much warmth, but would at least allow one to sleep. There are certain starts or self-imposed challenges (Like Zaknafein's Outerloper) where being able to make a sleeping mat from the start would have helped immensely.

    Tackle Boxes: Again like the adding lantern fuel tins to jerry cans, or arrows to quivers, this is to tidy up bag clutter, so that I don't have to scroll down past dozens of fishing tackle to find my stuff. They could re use the model for the tool boxes, just recolor it and add a fish decal. 




  11. I recently learned that you can hook up certain blue tooth enabled keyboards to the PS4 to use, but I don't know if the games have to have coding to allow them to work with it. 

    It would be a nice option what with keymapping for greater control of the game. 

    In my own case its not even that I want to use it in place of the controller for gameplay, but rather to have the option to enable it to help in the journal with note making, as trying to write memos in game with a controller is so tedious I've avoided using it, making notes on my pc instead. 

  12. As for respawning Acorns:

    Over on the thread about New Animals I suggested there should be Squirrels, and when you where you kill the Squirrel you should then be able to search around that area for a potential stash of Acorns the Squirrel would have laid away.

    As for getting grain to mill: There are Silos already in the game. make the Silos accessible, to extract heavy grain (Wheat or Oat) from, and add that to UpUpAway95's idea of a mill you can only use during the Aurora So you would have to take so much of the heavy grain, and then transport it to the mill, and wait till Aurora hits to make flour/meal for you.

    Adds Risk and Rewards, and uses in game assets.  

    • Upvote 2
  13. You know I just started Storymode last night and I loved the opening bit at the crash, being prompted to bandage up, and then take shelter. I've been playing on Survival all this time, it was kind of nice to have objectives to fufill. so yeah, a hybrid challenge with those elements in survival mode would be cool.  

  14. Beavers, beavers have those nice fat tails you could cook down for cooking oil**. and their fur is water proofed and double layered for extra warmth, great for hoods and gloves, or coat linings.

    Squirrels could have stashes of acorns as well, so you get the squirrel meat, fur, and a chance of getting some acorns by checking around the area you killed the squirrel for the possible stash. 

    Raccoons and Foxes could be a new element: Thieves that get at any unattended food you leave laying around outside. They might steal dead animals from traps, destroying the trap in the process.  

    ** On a side note, getting fat from bear, deer, moose to make into cooking oil should be a thing. animal fat can be used for lamp oil, or making candles and soap*. Tallow can even be used for medical ointments and creams, meaning you could finally treat burns and abrasions with salve.  

    *Soap is made from tallow and ash, (usually from ash trees for its antiseptic properties. You could carry one light weight multi-use cake of soap as apposed to the big heavy bottles of antiseptic, and unlike the moss bandages, or burdock tea, which are finite, tallow and ashes are renewable. 

    • Upvote 4
  15. I actually checked (cause I was gonna ask to be able to make coops for ptarmigan to get eggs) But unlike with chickens Ptarmigan only lay during a short time in spring.

    Chickens would be wonderful. goats or cows for meat and milk/cheese. Sheep for wool. 

    I could just forget about finding stupid Astrid and move Will to the farm house in Pleasant Valley, and live a peaceful life ranching and merking all the bears and wolves that come too close to the barn. XD 

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  16. (Please note: I am playing on the PS4 version of the game, and have not bought the DLC yet. So maybe in other versions, or with the expansion you already have these things.) 

    Allow lamp oil cans to be added to Jerry Cans to consolidate inventory

    Likewise a quiver for arrows so they aren't spread out throughout all the other gear in the bag

    cheat commands on console: I just want to be able to put on moveobjects true and straighten out my cans and water bottles on the rickety metal shelves without it turning red because the shelf is uneven. or turn up or down the brightness like you can in Storymode. 

    binoculars. I've got very poor eyesight, being able to zoom in on the trail ahead to make sure no dogs, bears or wolves (Or very random moose) are about would help. 

    A bear trap. 

    The ability to change the shape, size, color, of the reticle on my screen so I can see it better, white on white is horrible. (I want the option for it to be a wolf paw <3)    

    some indicator on the map of my current location. Currently I can only check in survival mode by using a charcoal piece to survey. Again, in Wintermute I believe there is some decal on map like an arrow or circle to show where you are. (Like the reticle it would be nice if you could customize these even just in size or color to be easier to see,) 

    ** ability to make fresh rabbit hides into cured leather: we'd need a knife or axe to scrape the fur off (Fur fluff could be used to start fires or stuff clothing or such like the ptarmigan down.) and we'd need to build a wooden frame for drying it on, (sticks/reclaimed wood and guts) then it would take time to dry.  

    That's all I can think of for right now. Loving the game so far, I do want to get the DLC, maybe after Christmas when my money's not tied up, keep up the great work, cant wait for ch 5 of the story mode (I've been watching playthroughs of it, only just started ch 1 myself last night.) 


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