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Posts posted by Mimi

  1. Several times now, when attempting to transfer potably water from a container into my inventory, I have opened the sub-menu for the water transfer itself, and pressed Y to transfer all. Some percentage of the time, the water simply vanishes. I've had it happen with as little as a liter, and as much as 10 liters.


    Edit: Can now confirm it's vanishing sometimes from all sources, even straight out of the pot I boiled it in.

  2. As the title suggests, I'm having issues with torches and campfires. I'm playing on pilgrim, trying to train my firestarting skill up a little. To conserve my fire sources, I'm starting an initial fire with a magnifying glass where I can, matches when I can't. Then, I'm starting short lived fires with a lit torch, tinder, and sticks. I've had issues with this in front of the milton house, inside it, and even inside the church with the pre-made campfire.


    I'll be lighting fires and suddenly the game will freeze. Sounds will continue playing, and sometimes, it will unlock. If I quickly put away or throw the torch at this time, I can salvage control, but the second lock is permanent. If I attempt to draw a torch at all after this, it freezes again, even if all fires nearby are out. This happens whether I use multiple campfires or just one. 


    Possibly related, is that after I put out a torch sometimes, my character will suddenly forcefully turn towards the nearest campfire, lit or not, and attempt to light the torch from it, with no inputs being accepted. It will even light the torch if the campfire is already completely out.


    This behaviour was not present before the most recent update. Thanks for looking into it!