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Everything posted by local-trapper

  1. 1. A form of base building more like bush-craft like stuff not necessarily building large bases god no. Something like the trappers cabin a small house of sorts. Possibly a tent or a tent made of animal skin 2. More crafting recipes like a normal hatchet and or hunting knife maybe not the exact same thing but a better (all be it more expensive and time consuming) improved hatchet and knife or have it work in a similar way to the ammo crafting and maybe like salted meat or preserved meat so one dosen't have to worry on spoiling meat as often 3. another perhaps larger version of mountain town get some urban type survival mixed in maybe 4. Bit of a long shot but like a co-op 2-4 players at most this would be a hard one to add but I'd love to be able to play with a friend or 2 and die to frostbite or wolves together. 5. Custom scenarios or a custom start of sorts allows us to set up like no food starts or maybe a local survivor start or something like that. It'd add a bit of diversity to the start and allows us to Rp a bit. 6. Another long shot and maybe a Terrible idea in practice. But maybe every 30 or so days a trader shows up at ether desolation point, bleak inlet or maybe a new location that can trade items such as pelts for ammo, food, clothing crafting supply's, repair items and so on. 7 more findable clothing like an urshanka 8. Cartable storage like chests or shelves helps with having a main base capable of holding loads of wood and what ever else you want to store 9. A white out feature to survival. Increases the harsh survival this game has. 10. The ability to cut trees down or harvest the large fallen trees scattered around the world 11. A jump button as holy hell sometimes my character can't go up small inclines or I get stuck in small areas and can't get out it'd be so useful i remember seeing a mod for it at some point and it helped a lot but it's out of date and i reckon it should be part of the game anyway 12. a sled for storing excess supplies for long hauls or long trips edited in 13. maybe a joke item or something but actual gold in the gold mine serves no porpoise just funny and y not look at gold while u freeze to death I hope one or more of these find there way into the game