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Posts posted by xenojeff

  1. 1 hour ago, odizzido said:

    Yup. That's a major issue with the game. If you have played for 1000+ hours and know where all the beds are you can mitigate it but the problem never goes away.

    For anyone new or anyone who likes the game to make at least some sense that is a massive and obvious flaw that really hurts the experience.

    Very true.  And I feel that's an even bigger issue with survival mode.  I tried it for a couple of hours before I gave up on it, because I realized right away that the key to survival is having advance knowledge of the locations and loot caches.  I don't like to meta game in general and playing a new game which almost requires meta knowledge is kind of a let down.  Essentially, survival mode without any prior knowledge boils down to: you're thrown in the middle of a frozen desert, you pick a random direction and you'll either get lucky to find a shelter with loot, or you die.

  2. 48 minutes ago, Old Hermit said:

    I compare it to putting invisible barriers in every ledges and cliffs (in some games). I'ts an overprotection.

    You could only know the range of the damage after the first fall.

    Let the danger teach us through the pain.

    Yes, that's another good example.  In a game where you can sustain injuries and die from them, there shouldn't be invisible walls to block you from falling.  It's just silly. 

  3. Lots of good suggestions here. 

    I just wanted to chime in on the general idea that because something is dangerous to do IRL, it somehow shouldn't be possible to do in a game.  On the contrary.  A survival game is a game of choices.  Some choices are safe, others are risky and deadly, and they all add to the immersion.  So if they allowed sleeping outisde directly on the freezing ice which would likely lead to death, that would still improve the game play by making it more freeform, as in "it's up to you what you want to try, we won't stop you or hold your hand by blocking that option".  I don't know why people conflate "something is deadly IRL" with "it shouldn't be possible as a mechanic". 

    And again, here's the nonsensical situation that I encountered a few times, which prompted me to start this thread in the first place.  I was in some shelter, like a barn or a workshop area, or something like that.  I couldn't rest inside because there was no bed and I didn't have a bedroll.  My only option (because I was lucky to have cloths) was to go outside, waste more energy and warmth looking for 15 sticks to build a snow shelter from the cloths, and sleep outside in the frigging snow, instead of inside by the fire.  That right there makes no sense in terms of available options, or in terms of reality and laws of physics.  If I can build something to rest outside, I should be able to either take it inside, or build something similar inside, where it's warmer.  It really doesn't matter to me what they do, as long as they address this kind of a preposterous scenario that forces me to sleep outside in the cold wind and snow, when I have a shelter with fire going.  This kind of a forced situation really broke my immersion, and IMO shouldn't exist in the game . 


    • Upvote 4
  4. On 1/31/2021 at 7:39 PM, Schrodingers Box said:

    Ummmmmmm no.  that’s the entire point of the whole game- making critical life-dependent decisions and preparing accordingly to support those decisions. that’s the entire premise of this game.

        If there is a risk of freezing while sleeping you either don’t sleep or you build a fire.  That’s the whole point  


    Welll then, with the same logic you should have a problem with the existing sleep mechanic because the game already forces you to choose a predetermined duration of sleep.  So when you choose 1 hour, how does the character 'know' to wake after one hour, if they are already cold or freezing?  So the problem you're describing already exists in the game.  If we take that logic to its extreme, we shouldn't even be able to select a duration of sleep, but just let the character sleep for however long, until rested, or until dead.  That would be the realistic case. 

    The OP is just asking for a little more control in that mechanic, it's not the big deal people make it out to be. 

    • Upvote 1
  5. On 2/11/2021 at 12:39 AM, Ps4Methuselah said:

    Would you be so kind my friend as to tell us which game you played previous to The Long Dark that allowed you to sleep on the bare floor? I played many games including the SIMs which covers bodily functions, hygiene, fitness & depression...they still make you use a bed/couch/bench to sleep in the SIMs.

    I'm not resurrecting the topic really, I just wanted to answer this person's very polite question. 

    Afaik the SIMs isn't really a survival game and  sleep isn't a core mechanic that's very important to the overall progress in the game, so IMO that's a poor comparison.  On the other hand, Green Hell is a first-person survival game much like TLD, and it allows you to lie down and sleep anywhere even if you dont have a bed, at the risk of negatively affecting the character's sanity level as well as catching diseases.  But that's a much more advanced survival simulator than TLD. (I highly recommend that game btw)

    But other games are irrelevant to whether this particular game has certain shortcomings in the context of its own scope and what it's trying to do.  When I say that a mechanic is underdeveloped or incomplete, I'm not necessarily saying "oh but other games have that feature, so this one should have it too".   My reference point is the game itself, in which sleep is a pretty central mechanic to the overall experience, or at least it's 'trying' to be, and as such I feel that the implementation doesn't quite hit the mark by not providing enough self-sufficient methods to sleep at various locations that dont' have beds like barns, some cabins, shelters, caves, or even some exposed places.  That's unless you've hit all the 'right' locations on the map to loot for a bedroll which isn't even craftable in story mode, and if you happen to find one you are forced to hold on to it forever.  That lack of self-sufficiency and being forced to search for loot or else I can't sleep, feels a bit... well, forced, to me.  It's too much hand holding by the game.  In fact, to the people who say that sleeping anywhere would make the game too easy, I would say that being 'forced' to carry that bedroll everywhere  with you, is what actually makes things too easy and one-dimensional, and it makes things like the snow shelter irrelevant.  You just find one bedroll, carry it with you till the end of times, don't lose it, and you're set forever.  To me that's a very simplistic and unimmersive approach that doesn't require much involvement from the player. 

    And when I suggest "sleep anywhere", I don't mean "leave everything else the same".  In fact the game would be better if it didn't have all the beds and bedrolls placed at carefully selected locations for the player to find, and instead provided more self-sufficiency.  I don't like the feeling of being too dependent on in-game loot. 

    Some of the other physical limitations in the game like you can't equip knives, hatchets, prybars, etc. and freely swing them at stuff, also took some getting used to.  Or that you can't really build much of anything in the game. 

    Anyway, when (or if) story mode is ever completed and released, I may go back and finish it provided I still remember this game, but the survival aspect just isn't quite there for me.

    • Like 1
  6. 4 minutes ago, UpUpAway95 said:

    I'm going to change my position on this...

    I'll give you credit for changing from "I don't support this, end of discussion" to "yes, lie anywhere with high chance of death".  That's quite open-minded of you. 

    I'd say that 95% chance of death would render this pretty useless, and quite unrealistic if you have a fire going inside a shelter, but hey, even that would be a step in the right direction.  Even that would make me go "hey, it's pretty cool that I can just lie down anywhere, let me see what happens if I do".  It's like what the other person said about having the freedom to make your own decision whether you want to take the risk and maybe die. 

    A slightly more sophisticated approach would account for how long you sleep, and environmental conditions.  E.g. the longer you sleep while the weather is changing, the higher chance of catching a disease or going into hypothermia or death.  I'd make it so sleeping without a bedroll grants very limited amount of rest, like a fraction of the normal sleep, and after sleeping exposed the character would get exhausted even faster than before.  They could make a lot of interesting things with that.  But it's understandable if that kind of a change is not feasible at this point. 

  7. 1 hour ago, odizzido said:

    Over time you learn how to get around the issue but it feels like working around a bug.

    Thank you for explaining that better than I did.  That exactly describes how I felt about the inconsistency in the resting mechanics.  It just feels like an incomplete or missing feature.  Sleeping on the floor would certainly come with significant disadvantages or debuffs like I mentioned before, so it would be used as a last resort, but it should be possible from a survival simulator standpoint. 

    And if you sleep outside completely exposed, that would be really dangerous.  You could either not wake up and freeze do death, or wake up to being mauled by a pack of wolves or worse...  That could actually make the game more interesting.

  8. 49 minutes ago, UpUpAway95 said:

    You'll get no support for your request from me, period. End discussion.

    I dont' remember asking for your support, or your rude comments.  None of what you said is relevant to the issue I raised here.  You clearly haven't played story mode, or haven't explored much to know that many buildings don't have beds.  I would certainly prefer to sleep on the floor inside a warm place, instead of going out in the snow to make a shelter. 

  9. On 2/8/2021 at 2:08 PM, UpUpAway95 said:

    Just carry your bedroll...

    Thanks for the tip I guess... but that doesn't address the issue I raised.  Obviously I know I can carry a bedroll.  And I did for much of the time.  And I lost it a few times. 

    It's just bad design to force the player to carry a non-craftable survival item without providing an alternate method for resting inside a warm place. 


    On 2/8/2021 at 2:08 PM, UpUpAway95 said:

    you can craft a bear hide bedroll in unlimited quantities since bears respawn.

    No such recipe in my game.  At least not in story mode.  But even if there was, curing a bear hide takes more than 10 days, and finding a bear is rare. 


    On 2/8/2021 at 2:08 PM, UpUpAway95 said:

    There are also numerous vehicles that you can sleep in if you want to take the risk of freezing. 

    Right, so I can sleep inside a freezing cold car without any bedroll requirement, but I'm prevented from sleeping next to a warm fire inside an abandoned cabin.  You're making my point here about the logical inconsistency. 


    On 2/8/2021 at 2:08 PM, UpUpAway95 said:

    the snow shelter uses cloth BECAUSE there is a "makeshift" bedroll inside it...

    Right, so you can build something that includes a bedroll to sleep outside in the snow, but you can't build anything to sleep inside a warm building.  Again, you're making my point about the inconsistency in the game mechanics.   I shouldn't have to leave the warm cabin to go out into the snow to actually get some rest.  It really sounds ridiculous when you think about it. 😆

    And btw passing time increases exhaustion, so it's literally the opposite to 'resting'.

  10. Yes, exactly.  If the devs intentionally decided to prevent sleeping anywhere, because somehow that was the only way to achieve some specific balance and difficulty, that would be very disappointing and lacking creativity, and I hope that's not the case.  Essentially it's like saying "we'll release an unfinished game because it strikes the right difficulty without a feature that would otherwise make sense to include".  Difficulty and balance considerations should come AFTER deciding what mechanics to combine in a logical way that complete the game play experience. 

    Here's the really crazy part which I feel needs to be emphasized to the developer - the game allows resting outside IN THE SNOW (via building a snow shelter), but it doesn't provide an equivalent feature for resting inside a warm building.  An equivalent would be like crafting a mekshift bed or bedroll from cloths or w/e.  This is just too much of an omission to ignore for me to be able to fully enjoy the game.  It's like watching a movie with a huge plot hole that's difficult to forget. 

    Again, difficulty comes after building a logical feature set.  They can easily keep the game as difficult as before or make it more difficult, even if they add the ability to sleep anywhere.  I wasn't suggesting to just add that, and make the game too easy by keeping everything else the same.  Obviously the sleep/rest mechanic would need rebalancing after adding a feature like that. 

  11. You are correct, it was off.  I had no idea it had to be enabled separately.  Thank you!

    To the devs - it's really unintuitive to have a separate on/off toggle for an action that has a key binding set by default, while the accessibility toggle is in the OFF state by default without somehow letting the player know.  The game should just allow the player to remove the key binding if they want to turn it off, like most games do.  Otherwise, the hotkey serves no purpose other than to confuse the player why it's not working.  In fact, any key binding should be able to be cleared, which is currently impossible.  Combine that with the locked keys for Esc and F number keys, the hotkeys are clumsily implemented. 

  12. Why are those keys locked? 

    The Esc key is inconvenient to use to exit menus in the game.  I would like to bind the exit key, as I do in many other games, to one of my extra mouse keys. 

    Also, F5 and F6 are too close to each other to use for save and load game.  A few times now I've saved the game instead of loading it, and it messed me up.  This is the first game i've played that doesn't allow rebinding those keys. 



    26 minutes ago, SpanishMoss said:

    The fact a player can't sleep anywhere is an intended gameplay feature. If you don't have a bedroll, you should take into consideration where you are going and how far you are away from the nearest bed. That takes a lot more skill than just sleeping anywhere. If we could sleep anywhere, a bedroll we be a less useful item, and more difficult feats, like summiting Timberwolf Mountain would not have the same difficulty.

    I mean with the same logic they could've restricted sleeping to just beds.  We didn't have to have any bedrolls or snowshelters etc.  The point is, that's an arbitrary restriction. Essentially you're saying "that's how they made it, so that's how it is". 

    That's why I suggested that sleeping on the bare floor obviously woudln't be as good as sleeping in a bedroll, and could come with negative consequences.  It may have a limit on how much rest you can gain from it, like say 25% of the full rest condition.  There are many ways to do it and balance it for difficulty.  So carrying a bedroll would still be the preferred method.  The game can still be as challenging as the devs want to make it, so your point is moot.  Also, difficulty for difficulty's sake is not the point of the game.  It has to make sense first.

    The other thing that makes this even more weird, is that you can craft a snow shelter to sleep outside.  It makes no sense that I can't craft anything to sleep INSIDE.  Go figure. 

    Most of the mechanics in the game are to a large extent based on things we can do IRL.  The game restricting me from sleeping or resting in a warm place JUST because I don't have bedroll (which is not even craftable) is an exception which is too far removed from reality.   The game can be made as challenging as you want, with that additional mechanic included.

    • Upvote 2
  14. The inability to lie down and sleep on the floor is one of the few annoyances with the survival game play.  I understand this isn't some advanced realistic survival sim, but this restriction just makes no sense in-game or IRL, no matter how you look at it.  For example, I spend a lot of time at Jeremiah's home in Mystery Lake but I wasn't allowed to sleep or rest in there.  That's just weird.  Same with several other cabins and shelters.

    Of course it can be done in such a way that it doesn't render bedrolls obsolete.  Maybe sleeping on the bare floor wouldn't be nearly as restorative and replenishing.  It could even have a chance of contracting some disease or another condition, especially if sleeping in an exposed area. 

    I think the player should have the freedom to sleep anywhere, even if it leads to freezing to death. 

    Thanks for considering!

    • Upvote 4
  15. I saw a YT clip of someone catching it on their 2nd or 3rd attempt, so I know what it looks like, but I don't remember ever seeing it or seeing the name "giant fish".  But even if I somehow missed it and dropped it back into the fishing hole, I should probably still get it on the following attempts. 

    If it took someone else 60 attempts then I should probably keep trying.

    If it's really pure RNG with no upper limit of any kind, that's not great for the game play if it's tied to a quest.  Pure RNG means that some players may never get the fish and will give up on the quest. 

    The simplest solution would be some kind of an upper limit to the number of attempts before getting the fish. 

    A more interesting approach would be to leave the RNG, but make it so that the fish is more likely to appear under specific set of conditions e.g. time of day or weather type, combined with a specific action or trigger by the player.  This could be part of the story and the note about the magical pond. 

    That would be my suggestion to the developer.  Thank you!



    After multiple 12-hour fishing sessions, and many wasted fishing tackles, I was doing my very last attempt before giving up, when I finally got the Big Bass right at the end of the 12 hour timer.  This was NOT a fun experience, and I was convinced my game was bugged somehow.  It just sucked the fun out of playing the game TBH.

  16. Hello,

    I've been fishing for many days at the Magical Pond cabin from Tall Tales quest, and I've used up many fishing tackles, but I don't get a giant fish and can't close that quest.  I've cleared the fishing hole, and I kept fishing, but I only get the Fresh Lake Whitefish and the Fresh Smallmouth Bass.

    What am I doing wrong?
