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Everything posted by Obibenkanobi

  1. Thanks so much for the help guys I will definitely do some practiceing on rabbits.
  2. So I have been playing Wintermute and have really been enjoying it I played on the lowest difficulty because I was new to the game I was really excited when I started the third chapter because I would finally get to battle the wolves my olny problem is I can’t hit anything! I have a revolver but can’t seem to hit anything! Not even at close range so I was wondering if I could get some tips and tricks for getting better at useing the weapons? -thanks
  3. That’s great to hear Timberwolfs were what I really wanted to challenge thanks for the help
  4. So I picked the least difficult mode to do the story as I am new to the game and compleated the first chapter. Doing this I realized that none of the wildlife attacks me and I find that not as fun. I was wondering if there is a way to change my difficulty without restarting the story and loosening all my progress.