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Posts posted by Nitzy

  1. Been squatting at trappers for a while on my current Loper run waiting on the travois to attempt a relocation to the new zones and oh my god... The travois is freaking amazing!

    Yes, it can be a little tough in certain spots (I'm looking at you entrance tunnel to FM) but over all I've managed to get from trappers and through broken railroad in record time! 

    I would never have managed the trek carrying all my hides, guts, scrap, cloth, and precious firewood by walking. 

    It does seem to wear down quickly, my current distance has reduced it by about 30% so far, but the repair of just a skin and gut is great. I was worried I'd need more saplings.

    Also, being able to just close it up and carry it rocks.

    Best addition in ages!

    • Upvote 1
  2. From what I've read, we can no longer harvest by hand with the new update, and that this was an intentional choice... So I guess we can no longer catch and eat rabbits until we forge a tool? 

    This seems a little punishing to me when you can in fact hand harvest a rabbit in real life. Larger game I understand but rabbits and birds? 

    On Interloper, rabbits are always a staple food for me while I'm working on getting my tools. I hope hinterland reconsiders this choice.

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  3. 8 hours ago, James Hickok said:

    Hmm.. my last 3 interloper spawns were all in Desolation Point. 2 of them had same loot tables. So maybe something is off. I have abondoned the runs on 432, 268 and 48. Then Started Super Interloper run and currently on day 205ish and the loot is off. Its a interloper modified so shouldnt have stalker and below loot.

    On my current run not only i find weapon cleaning kits like before but also:

    The prepper bunker in Milton was loaded with loot - shouldnt happen and im checking other bunkers if its the only one or more.

    I have found  revolver casings, revolver ammo, rifle casings as well. 

    I'm not playing custom but the loot has also been pretty much exactly the same. For example I spawned in the same location in DP and the loot in the lighthouse was the same each time. Very odd.

  4. I'm playing again after a small break (haven't played since the dlc initial launch) and I'm finding that the spawn points for my interloper are getting a lot of repeats.

    In my last several attempts I've spawned in ash canyon 3 times, desolation point 3 times, and PV twice. No where else.

    My spawns are also in the same places within the regions.

    Anyone else having this happen or am I just incredibly unlucky (or lucky depending on how you look at it lol)?

  5. I feel that this needs to be said; Interloper players crying out about not getting Tales just shows how much we love this game. We want to be able to experience as much as possible because this game is amazing.

    I have over 600 hours, primarily on Loper, and have bought this game on both switch and PC. I also recommend it to anyone who will listen.

    I sincerely hope the dev team will reconsider their decision on excluding Tales from interloper.

    • Upvote 9
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  6. Loot balance shouldn't be an issue. There are many items in interloper that are highly sought out. Instead of OP clothing, give us a moose skin or ear wraps. Instead of a rifle holster, give us arrow heads. Instead of MREs, give us tea and stims. There are countless ways they could have balanced the Tales loot, but they chose not to. A choice that is unacceptable to me as it alienates a portion of their player base that PAID for DLC.

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  7. I'm sorry, but the fact that the Tales portion is not available to interloper players is BS. I paid for the DLC but because I enjoy a more difficult setting I won't be able to access the main draw of the DLC unless I go down a difficulty??

    I understand that loot should be adjusted for interloper but there's no reason to lock us out of the story aspects of the Tales. For the first time since I started playing and supporting this game I'm extremely disappointed and frustrated. If anything, interloper NEEDS Tales. It's difficult to survive which would make earning those story points that much more rewarding.

    Very disappointed. I hope the Dev team changes their minds about this.

    • Upvote 17
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  8. I've always been a believer in giving money to companies who put in as much love and care into their games as you do. 

    At the end of the day, you're still a business and can't run on initial sales forever while still constantly updating the game. 

    I'm 100% thrilled at this announcement and think that your approach toward story vs survival is the right way to go. In my opinion, this is a survival game with a story mode attached. I enjoy the story mode, but I've put over 300 hours into survival, as have most of your players, so survival should probably always be your main focus. I'm still very excited to see the conclusion of the story though!

    Long story short, take my damn money already!!


    • Upvote 1
  9. Rabbits are abundant but deer are super rare. Took about two in game weeks before I saw the pack of three deer at trappers.

    I saw the moose once but he seemed buggy, popping in and out whenever I looked. 

    Haven't seen the bears at all in that area or by the lake north of trappers.

    I've been using rabbit bodies (holding for three stink lines) to lure in wolves from God knows where to kill them for meat.

  10. I would love it if we could make a rabbit fur scarf to go along with the rabbit hat.

    I was watching Alone: Arctic and one of the ladies made a scarf out of several rabbit skins by weaving them together. It was so cool and I thought it would be a perfect addition to the crafted clothing, especially seeing as we can't wear two rabbit hats. 

    They could even make us need to get like 5-10 rabbits or something and I wouldn't care. It would be nice to have something else to make with the mountain of rabbit hides I have laying around.

    It would definitely be "Apocalypse Chic".

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  11. Just wanted to share my stalker base in HRV to demonstrate that you don't have to tie yourself down to the standard base locations.

    I was so comfortable here I could probably live indefinitely (unless I did something stupid) as all my needs were met to the point of me getting bored cause I "won the game" and decided to return to interloper.

    The only thing lacking was a work bench, but with careful planning I could take a trip back to the trailer near Milton.

    And yes, I know I'm parched. I had just woken up in game and only noticed after the photos lol.

    Home Sweet Home



    It's a very spacious cave



    Extra supplies



    My curing area



    Sleeping area with extra comfy bed



    The main hub with a nice warm sitting area. I used cat tail heads to mark the indoor/outdoor barrier as fires last longer outside and meat stays fresher longer outdoors.



    Living the good life



    He's just sleeping so I made him a blanket to keep warm.



    Anyway that's it. Just wanted to share ideas about alternative living styles.

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  12. Just finished Ep4 and I have to say I really enjoyed it. I found everything flowed well, there were no points where I was bored (like with rescuing survivors in ep3... God that takes forever). 

    The loot provided was well thought out by the devs, giving us all kinds of toys to play with and the inclusion of the moose hide satchel was certainly appreciated!

    The story and side quests let us see a good part of the map while still leaving places to explore when it's released in survival mode.

    The puzzles were thought provoking but not overly complicated. I found that the suffocation mechanic was an interesting, yet stressful, addition. 

    There are some minor bugs here and there but overall the devs did a great job and should be proud of the episode, especially being able to complete it during covid. 

    Can't wait to see the conclusion!

    • Upvote 4
  13. There are a lot of wolves but it says right in the story dialogue that this area is extremely dangerous because of that, so I'm not sure what else is expected.

    The game gives you sooooo many flares, materials for sound bombs (which are fun!), matches, distress pistol, both guns and ammo. You can also chain torches if you somehow run out of everything else.

    Stealth is also useful, and many people forget (or don't know) that as long as you walk at a normal pace, wolves that are behind you won't charge. You can just walk casually and they'll stalk you and growl but won't attack. Lots of cars you can dip into to wait until they leave.

    I just ran through the story mode again leading up to ep4 release and I do have to say that the difficulty is ramped up, but the devs have given us lots of tools to work with.

    • Upvote 3
  14. Spoilers





    Anyone know what the conditions are for items to be stolen when frisked?

    I'm basically dumping everything before I go in to see them, practically naked. Wondering if I can keep some clothes on after all... Anyone test things out for science?