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  1. I made an account just to comment on this thread First of all, the amount of effort that went into this event must have been massive. The atmosphere, especially the sound design, is really freaky. Obviously a lot went into crafting a really scary experience. It's unsettling, just as intended, and I really really appreciate that the devs didn't take the easy and cheap "jumpscare" approach that so many other games tend to do for Halloween. The actual Darkwalker creature itself looks amazing and is thoroughly terrifying with its sound and behavior. Having it approach and seeing just how close it is, without actually seeing it, is very scary. It's a bone-chilling environment overall and I think that got nailed really well as a whole. The glyphs mechanic is especially brilliant and fits with the modern-paranormal style of the event. I think the glyphs came across as the most creative aspect to me. That said, I think it has too much of a horror-speedrun focus and not enough of a TLD-style survival focus for me personally. I LOVE Halloween and I also like horror games... but when I sign up to play a horror game, that's what I'm signing up for; when I'm signing up for a survival game, that's what I'm expecting. I really want to get both badges for this event (and have gotten 1 on my first try) but it mostly just feels stressful, like I'm just speedrunning the game and figuring out the best way to get from point A to B really quickly, over and over. I can see how the speedrunning aspect might be appealing to people primarily playing on interloper, considering how many of them basically have to do that for a lot of their gameplay already. The Darkwalker and toxic fog is maybe an extra challenge for them that way. For me personally though this event removed a lot of the exploration and general survival mechanics that I really enjoy and look forward to in TLD. I would have liked if there was some additional focus on that, rather than on just speedrunning. For example maybe the player has to collect items to craft traps (spirit snares?) that they then lead the Darkwalker to, and after it gets caught in enough of them it gets sent to a spirit world or is otherwise "defeated." Maybe the fog rolls in 10 minutes after it gets caught in a region's trap. Just something that still creates the need to avoid it but without quite so much time pressure. Happy Halloween, thanks for your hard work! I'll keep working on getting the 6 notes for the second badge (made it to 3 so far.) EDIT: One last comment, it doesn't feel fair that to earn the "Endless Night" option you have to participate in this event, considering how many people would probably really enjoy that but might not be able to earn it (maybe they purchase the game after the event ends...) Hopefully it's able to be earned via some permanent Darkwalker challenge or a future event.