Even Dark

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Posts posted by Even Dark

  1. i check this again in my run just one bear that lives in the birchbark wood. then i make today a quick custom run and found just 1 bear guess what in the birchbark wood. so for me still bugged :) good thing is it has nothing to do with the game i started new before they patch the spawn bug the first time.

    so far then a good thing is you dont need pv to survive, bad thing is some gamefun is gone :( . so i skip this route from PV-AC for now until they fix this little bug

    pc/steam version and up to date


    missing bears marked with the bones in there caves are still

    entrace from winding river the cave to the right

    the cave under the radio tower

    and the long curve bear cave

  2. the toolbelt helps on interloper to carry more stuff but it should be a permanent thing like the back pack. make no sense to switch a waist item with a foot or shoulder item :)

    • Upvote 2
  3. but insomania ist nothing? ok you can not rest 10 hours to restore condition but you can sleep hour by hour sometimes you sleep more than 1 hour and finally use some BB teas for the condition.

    for now insomania is a joke i just ignor it :X

    • Upvote 1
  4. Why lose the travois condition when it is stored in a locker? it is made from deer, maple and guts. they are not losing condition if stored. if you use it, then the condition lose is fine, and a nice item then. but finally i use it 1 time (ML-Transfer pass) store it and in a few days it was destroyed. so i do now the old way by hand :P to expensive

    and if if you place it and it is destroyed you can no longer pick it up. you can use it then like a rock cache with 40kg but if this is the case i like to craft a chest :D



    • Upvote 1
  5. maybe for the future

    my opinion: the extra slot and a change must make sense... you change pieces that are using the same place

    if we have:
    slot 1 for the feet
    crampions (climbing), snowshoes (Sprain), skis (speed) then you have to chose 1 of them..
    slot 2 for the shoulder
    Moose Pouch (weight), Bow and Arrow Quiver (fast draw), insulated (warm)

    this would make sense for the extra slots....

    but changing the formens belt for crampions mhhh? there is no reason becuase different places (waist/feet)

    this belt should be an upgrade like the bagpack permanent 

    • Upvote 3
  6. On 1/18/2024 at 11:15 AM, James Hickok said:




    1 st location - Crash site   


    2nd and 3rd location 

    Try looking again in those locations. It has to be there. It will never be in diffrent place. Ofc there is a possibility that it didnt spawned at all but i doubt it. 

    I have made 5 custom runs starting in milton just to check today and in all of them the thermos was there. 


    you miss one place



  7. 1 hour ago, xanna said:

    Just because you didn't get a response doesn't mean it's not working, it will still have been logged. In my experience I only got an answer when they wanted more information for me or wanted me to try something. Other bugs they have just fixed in a patch without responding directly to me. That's how I expect bug reports to work, tbh.


    Maybe it's my German mind that thinks a short feedback and if it's a response script is just part of it. as long as it works, and it does great :D


  8. 13 hours ago, xanna said:

    Ah. My calculation of whether it's reasonable is based on comparisons to other things in the game, and the amount of benefit you get from the down. It's not based on comparisons to real-life. If we start doing that too much of TLD unravels. Harvesting times and stuff like that are based much more on game-balancing than realism, I expect.

    but it must make sense a little bit. a bear with 27kg + hide you can do this in around 3 hours with a knife.. a little ptarmigan has the same time :D or 2 rabbits. game balancing no, not really i see now different if they lower the time it just feels better

    • Upvote 1
  9. 6 hours ago, xanna said:

    See here for explanation of ptarmigan down harvesting. Spoiler: it's not 4 feathers, and 2 hours is not unreasonable.


    ok so not 4 feathers :D who say this 2 hours are not unreasonable :) 

    a chicken if you put it short in hot boiled water tooks under 5 mins ;) to get all feathers (maybe a cocking version would be nice to have and lets dry the feathers then)

    and a rabbit you can harvest after a little cut complete in under 20 minutes

    • Upvote 1
  10. ok 1 month later :D....

    if i take 1 piece of meat from a corpse i can get me after this all from hand.... so then if i have the meat i quarter the corpse...... (2 times using a tool)

    if i quarter 1st and get me 7 meatbags i need to cut every meatbag? (8 times using a tool)

    so meatbags should be work by hand the 1st cut is starting quartering...


    ptamrigan - > 4 feather 2 Hours Oo 

  11. 9 hours ago, Leeanda said:

    Isn't that a bit risky?   Every time I start harvesting , especially in pv, a blizzard blows in halfway through😁

    :D no a torch saves you but off course every situation is different for me it works nice. from the birchbark wood PV to the farm a complete moose in one walk :P. the wolves are going allways first to the pick up point.

    BR i was not there now, i still setup the importent regions. and finally the older regions are for me the best ones XD. so good news for me BR is  bugged i have then a reson to skip this map for now XD.... the way to the airfield is a such a walking pain Oo

    • Upvote 1
  12. 4 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

    Me too.. except not naked lol...  you meant that literally?

    even carrying half a bear seems quicker than the travois to me..  

    i drop all gear and clothes just torches and a knife i take with me you can carry then a lot of weight on short distances :D


    with this you can carry a full bear ;)

    • Upvote 1