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Wolfbait (1/4)



  1. By the way the errors given in log files show that its to do with 'incorrect shaders' being used.
  2. The OpenGL workaround causes huge lag when inside buildings or caves no matter how low the graphics settings (if you go outside everything is buttery smooth) so for me at least the game has been unplayable in either version since Darkwalker update.
  3. FYI The latest Unity upgrade patch still has not fixed this issue and I've now given up any hope of playing this game again.
  4. I've been waiting since October 2020 for this to get fixed. Forcing OpenGL brings about more bugs than it fixes and frame rates inside buildings just comes to a halt no matter how low the graphics settings, so its unplayable in either mode. Funnily enough when 'outside' the frame rates are fine. I did get an email response back in February saying that they are 'no longer supporting Vulkan at this time' and it's still not fixed today! I only came here today to see what the score is regarding this. I haven't played properly since October. Shame because this is probably the best game ive ever played!