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  1. Thank you to those who added helpful and motivating comments. I'm going to give this game another shot, knowing that I need to take the time to figure things out. Plus, having a community that is mostly filled with kind, helpful people is encouraging!
  2. I understand the OP's frustration. I just bought the game and played it for an hour. I was so frustrated that I immediately uninstalled it. I was really excited about the game and thought I was lucky that I discovered it while on sale. However, the game does not do a good job showing you how to play. I understand that the idea is to learn how to survive out in the wild. I want that part of the game. Instead, I felt like an infant trying to learn how to move my arms. All while freezing to death in 5 min. The beginning area didn't do a good job teaching me the basic mechanics of the game. I kept trying to put on a jacket and all it would do is comment on the jacket. Later, I got an objective to put it on. I clicked a button and the jacket disappeared. No idea what happened to it. Originally, I thought it was on my body, but then in chapter two, I found it outside the plane's wreckage. The first time I saw the jacket, it mentioned something about equipment on the circular menu. I looked and nothing on it mentioned equipment or clothing. I kept freezing to death very quickly, so I went to the other bigger menu instead and found the clothing sub menu (also the bigger menu has confusing controls). I had no idea how to read it, as nothing shows what anything means or what actions you can perform. I clicked every button to see what would happen. One of the button's made each item disappear. I still didn't know if I was putting them on or destroying them. If I put them on, then I had on 4 shirts and 2 pairs of socks. None of which slowed down the freezing process. I never found a way to see what clothing I had on or how to equip clothing. From the very beginning of the game, the camera movement was super choppy. I had to turn down the graphics to low/medium. The machine I built has powerful enough components that every game I own is always turned on to the max or close to it, so I know it's not my machine. For example, I have an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080, 3.5GHz quad core processor, and 16GB of memory. Should be enough to run this game and not be choppy. A little later, I was told I can hit a rabbit with a stone, but really there's no way that's happening. I don't understand why it tells you that. I thought it was a hint on what to do next, However, aiming is difficult and this guy can only throw a rock 10 ft, so why bother trying? Even with all that, I really want to like this game, so I'm reinstalling it and going to give it another shot. It seems like I would given the many positive reviews, which also make me think I'm doing something wrong or missed some in-game tutorial. My current questions are what do the buttons do?, should I be using a controller or mouse/keyboard?, how do I tell what is equipped?, how do I equip clothing, how do I fix the camera movement jumpiness? I hope I wasn't too much of a downer in this post and sorry in advance for the wall of text.