Cpt Flaps

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Everything posted by Cpt Flaps

  1. I'd love to see some sled like contraption for dragging large quantities of supplies and equipment from place to place. After you've exhausted a region it's quite a painful process to move house. Building a sled that you can drag would be the obvious solution, maybe inhibit weapons and defence systems while dragging as an offset to the grander carry capacity, etc. Would love to see tamable Husky's or something that you can use for transit (Sled attachment) and defence, allowing them to smell meats, etc to help with hunting. Maybe a relationship status between you and the animal to allow and open various traits and characteristics that define each tame. This could help to refresh your play style, different treatment for different play styles. Maybe even allowing us to make a choice to slay the companion in desperate times for harvesting, etc... Be great to see a depth of snow implemented, that could be overcome by by crafting snowshoes, etc. Could add a whole new level of survival to the game and generate areas of inaccessibility with regular footwear. Letting the players build up their crafting skill before they can see the entire map. Anyway, just a few ideas I've had I wanted to share. Big thanks for the game & the continuous updating and development Hinterland have put in to this title. I jumped in year 1 on Xbox and the evolution of this games been amazing and kept me coming back to this day. Great work!