Ignacio Ramirez

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Everything posted by Ignacio Ramirez

  1. I've been playing this game for quite a long time now. There are some things, in my opinion, that would make the hardest settings a little more interesting. Not extremely sophisticated things. Quite the contrary. I find it odd that, no matter how skilled, you still have to rely on human made objects to make fire (at least for a LONG time), or cut, or defend yourself. Here are some suggestions: - make fire with sticks. Maybe with very low probabiltiy at the beginning, but it should exist. In particular, in the hardest settings, your survival depends on finding a set of abandoned matches! - make crude spears out of branches. Games like the great NEO Scavenger (really good), allow you to craft hardened spears with a stick, a knife, and some fire. - make crude knives out of glass shards and pieces of cloth (also from NEO Scavenger) talking about knifes, it is odd that there are no kitchen knifes. Those would be nice to have too. Overall, I think the first one is key. It is too unfair to die in the hardest survival mode because you just can't make a fire in time.
  2. Why not craft slings with some cloth and cured guts?
  3. It should be possible to sharpen your blades with rocks or against certain rocks, perhaps above certain skill. It really makes no sense to depend on wheatstones when it is quite easy to do in real life. Sure, it could be painfully inefficient.
  4. It would be great to have binoculars around in the game! Some times one really needs to check stuff from a distance, spot dangers, loot, etc.