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Posts posted by survivorKP

  1. Weirdest kill, Story Mode, practically shoved my rifle muzzle into it's mouth before I fired. I didn't want to miss.


    When your in game character shoots like crap you don't engage at a distance, instead you draw the target closer to a distance you cannot miss. This time I held my fire just a bit too long... I shot at the same time the game started the melee fight sequence. It knocked me down and started to bring up the menu when the game realized the attacking wolf was dead. 

    My luckiest kill I didn't grab a screenshot of, because there wasn't much to see. And it wasn't that lucky. Could have obtained two wolves in this position next to each other for a much cooler screenshot if the game didn't ignore my mouse click. I was pushing my luck with it anyway, after I got this standing wolf kill I drew the other two wolves one at a time next to this one to try and get a bunch of standing dead wolves next to each other. The second wolf I got jittery and shot it too far away, it fell over as usual. The third I held my fire just milliseconds too long and the game ignored my mouse click. The third wolf mauled me good... i was nearly dead, but no wolf gets away with hurting me without dying! I bandaged one wrist so I could at least equip the flare gun, the third wolf got as far as the front gate at the maintenance yard before a flare bullet smacked into it's head and dropped it dead. That was maybe 80 meters? Distance is hard to tell in the game. 

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