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Posts posted by Puddy

  1. 3 hours ago, diosmio123 said:

    Yesterday i was able to research some stuff probably related to the issue. Sadly i am not able to open up a ticket and send this stuff to support because i have a important date in a few minutes. Therefore i just leave that stuff here.


    Issue WindowsVideoMedia error 0xc00d36b4

    Probably a solution - temporarily till finaly fixed by Unity

    Other project from another developer with same issue and solution - read post with COMPLETE marker



    You absolute legend!  It works  :D

    I converted it to Webm (I think that is VP8 right?).  It worked anyway so all's good with the world again ha

  2. 22 hours ago, Hawk said:

    I finally, actually read the troubleshooting tip HL gave for this issue at this link - https://hinterlandgames.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/4408005055636-Windows-7-Black-Screen-After-Disclaimer-or-Starting-WINTERMUTE-Episodes

    It seems to me, based on what I read there, that deleting all the mp4 files isn't what HL is saying. It specifically states

    To me that's not saying delete all mp4 files but only the one or the three in that folder. It doesn't say anything about deleting all files and folders. Just the files.

    Maybe I'm just misunderstanding this.

    They haven't worded it well for a start.  I thought the same as you initially, to just delete the files (not folders).  After speaking to support though, i can say that they mean all files and folders (for Wintermute).

    The problem being, if you don't delete the folders (when playing Wintermute at least) then you are just delaying the black screen until a cutscene tries to play.  Just deleting the one file is fine for Survival as that is the only one that tries to play in Survival.

  3. 3 hours ago, PlayerPawn said:

    The article does mention that it's a problem that they want to address in a subsequent patch, so I don't feel they view it as a permanent solution, but a workaround to the issue. 


    You are right, it does say that.  I'd completely missed that in my haste sorry.  Clearly hadn't had enough coffee yesterday. 

  4. I agree with you 100%!  It's a temporary workaround, but they seem to be suggesting it is a permanent solution.

    I submitted a ticket hoping that they would say they were working on it or something, and got a response back saying basically....'well did it fix it for you then or not?'.

    Yes, but at the expense of all cutscenes lol.  I'm honestly baffled as to how they could think it is a 'fix'.

    • Upvote 1
  5. To be fair, they never state to delete everything in that directory.  They specifically say delete all files not folders.  However, as you've said, unless you delete everything then you are just delaying the black screen a little.  Yeh, it's really not a fix, and i hope they are aware of that fact Win7 users are having to delete the cutscenes.  I've submitted a ticket anyway.

    While it may be a unity bug, it's on Hinterland to fix for us surely?  I get that Win7 isn't supported these days, but it's still there listed in TLD's minimum requirements.

    • Upvote 1
  6. 4 hours ago, Valuable Hunting Knife said:

    and 6 hob cookers MUST have an even/symmetrical distribution of cans and saucepans

    +1 to that!  :D


    I also have to completely map all regions in every game i play, i's a chore...but i can't not do it!

    • Like 1
  7. I've found both a ML cache and a PV cache in the same WE playthrough. 

    The PV cache was a food one that had no maple syrup and the ML cache was the tools one and that did have a placed maple syrup (wasn't container rng).  The fact that there was a placed maple syrup would suggest to me that they are supposed to spawn but who knows.

    Obviously, i've only got one save file to confirm it on so far, but plan on starting a new one at some point today.

    • who thought they could do this in one save and is now feeling the dread of doing multiple 'kinda boring' runs for maple syrup *raises hand*

    Edit: that sounded just rude....I do appreciate the events, and i also appreciate the lower difficulty level of this one...it's just not for me is all.  :)

  8. 3 minutes ago, ajb1978 said:

    That's the one I'm talking about.  It's not impossible at all, it's just in a place that no one would ever have any reason to go, even if they were exploring every distant corner.  It requires that someone actively exploit the absolute friction of sloped surfaces to access an area that no normal person could ever get to unassisted in reality.  I'm OK with obscure hidden details, but requiring that someone exploit a thing that they actively attempt to discourage exploiting (considering how they frequently alter terrain to make such tricks impossible), that crosses a line.

    Oh yeh for sure!  If i hadn't known you could get up there to get it, then i never would have found it, i even had to watch a video at the time to figure out how to actually get up there.  Sorry, didn't mean to sound dismissive if i did.

    I had always thought that that got left up there by accident when they changed the terrain in that region maybe, before i started playing the game.  But if it was put there purposely then yeh that's a bit of a bum move.  I mean people paid money for those to be in the game...and presumably....accessible.

    Having said that, i'd still prefer the maple syrups to be pre-placed in the game (but not as bad as that), than just rng.  So at least you know it could be done in one save if you looked long or hard enough  :D

  9. A Custom game mode might suit you better.

    When you start the game, at the point were you would normally select Pilgrim/Voyager/Stalker/Interloper, there is also custom.  When you get into the settings there, you can select Interloper at the top to get the settings for that, then tweak any settings you don't like underneath.  There is a wolf spawn setting to make them spawn less for you, or you can even turn off their hostility to you completely  ;)

    • Upvote 1
  10. 16 minutes ago, ajb1978 said:

    I wouldn't mind that either just so long as they weren't sadistic about how they hide them.  Like how Lost Cairn 160 exists in an area you can't normally access, and requires deliberately exploiting the infinite friction and mountain-goating your way across near-sheer drops to reach.


    Oh don't even get me started on the Cairns....that should be an achievement, or at the very least a badge!  :D

    Didn't they fix the cairns though?  I know i got them all minus one on  a run way back but it was because one was duplicated and one was missing.  They fixed that, so did they not fix the hard to get to ones.  I don't remember an inaccessible one.  Unless you mean the one near carter dam, hard to get to but not impossible.

    And as far as the syrup goes, i wouldn't have minded sadistic.  It's more sadistic to me to make them not all accessible in one save ha.  Now i'm gonna have to save scum....unless all custom runs count too.  I hope so but i'd love to know for sure  :) 


    Edit:  I've just had a really sadistic thought!  The Cairns should be a challenge...but with sprains chance set really high haha

  11. I have to say, i'm kind of on the fence with this event.

    For starters, i will say that i now believe it was a good idea to do a less challenging event for people that may just play at the pilgrim/voyager difficulties.  There was definitely a time that i for one would have appreciated that as i found all the other challenges too difficult then.  So yeh, in retrospect, i think this was a great inclusive event.

    However...haha....for people that do play interloper or any custom harder difficulties, there is no challenge.

    I did a random start and started at DP (fave place btw), i already knew that there was a predator grace period and everything is pretty close so i waltzed over to Hibernia not worrying too much about the cold as i'd spawned with a hat and gloves, found a prybar straight away....result!  By the time i'd finished looting there, i already had enough clothing to combat the interior temp drop, plus enough food to last me maybe two or three days.  Yeh it was still damn cold when i got outside, but with everything so close cause of the great DP spawn i just ambled over to the Ricken and Lighthouse.  After that, there was no issue even outside, excluding blizzards obviously.  By the time i left DP,  i was fully equipped, minus a hatchet but i knew there was a good chance of finding one either in the mine or soon after (which i did, but can't remember where).  After that it was just a case of running around trying to find maple syrup.

    I've now pretty much cleared every region and only found 8 syrups.  The only places i've not been yet are the hunting lodge at BR cause i'm on my way there.  I'll then go back and check FM but i can't imagine there being any there unless i get lucky on dead body rng, and then on to BI (don't know enough about that region to know if there would be any pre-placed there), but i'm not holding my breath for rng there either.  I've only found two in container rng and they were both in the same building funnily enough.

    So yeh, the only challenge i see here is finding maple syrup. 

    Two thing i would have liked to have seen in this challenge.....To be able to change the loot availability before starting.  And this one is a wacky one, but i would have loved if you had place 25 maple syrups and only 25 maple syrups in the world and i had to find them all on one save  😆 

    But, like i said, i do think this challenge was a great idea to be a bit more inclusive to people that might not play interloper or similar custom difficulties  ;) 


    Am i right in thinking btw, that i any maple syrup i find on normal survival runs or custom runs still count towards the 25 (not just WE runs)?  I'm particularly unsure about custom runs as they don't count towards feats right?

  12. 6 hours ago, gotmilkanot said:

    Some people are forgetting that this is a video game. They even say it in the disclaimer that "it is not a replacement for actual survival training or experience in the wilderness".

    To me, it doesn't hurt to have a bit more control in game settings. They already have stuff like struggle options (click vs press and hold) and timberwolf morale bar (on/off) to cater to people with different needs so I don't see why not for the sounds too. It's an OPTION, so it's still a win-win situation for people who like it loud and people who don't.

    100% agree with this by the way!

    There was a convo a while ago about mods, not gonna get into that......but i had mentioned that my main reason for using mods was the accessibility options for the struggle mechanics for one.  I'm getting on for 50, and after a lifetime of gaming, you realise what it has done to your body and try to minimize it.  Props to Hinterland, they added options to get rid of the button bashing.  Love them for that!  Not saying they did it cause of me mentioning it, but clearly others had the same issues.  Hinterland recognized that and fixed it.

    To me, this is on the same level.  It's something that is affecting certain people adversely.  And yes, they can't fix the world, but if they could add a slider then they could fix this issue for everyone it's affecting.

    That's what the wishlist section is here for right  :) 

    • Upvote 1
  13. 12 hours ago, ManicManiac said:

    Sure, but that's kind of the point... If we were to stand next to a waterfall, how much of anything else would we be be likely to hear?  I think it's reasonable to say... not much.  Folks here like to complain about immersion breaking... well I think this idea is a good example of what that would actually look like.

    Even stood next to a waterfall, i'd be able to hear my own voice, for sure!  But i can't, even with the sound slider turned down to 5%

    12 hours ago, ManicManiac said:

    Conceptually, it would be like walking up to a waterfall, pulling out a magic remote, and pressing mute. 

    And for the third time, i wouldn't want to mute them.  Others here may, but not me.  So please don't dismiss other peoples ideas because of your own misconceptions.

    12 hours ago, ManicManiac said:

    Now, let's be clear on this...
    I'm not taking anything away from anyone, because this is not a feature of the game.  I'm not trying to take features or options away from folks (I'm all for player choice).  I am however speaking in opposition to those ideas that I think would potentially undermine the experience that Hinterland has built.


    When i said, 'taking away from anyone', i'd like to clarify that.  This is a wishlist forum.  Someone posted a wish, and anyone that would like to second that wish contributes.  If you contribute in a negative manor, then there must be a reason for that....as in, it would negatively impact your own gamplay.  That is totally reasonable, i've seen multiple wishlist threads were i was like....please god no!

    However, this would absolutely make no difference to you whatsoever.  So you were, no matter how you look at it, taking away our right to ask for a simple gameplay feature.  For no reason at all.


    Just to clarify, i wouldn't want them muted, or any other sounds for that matter.  I do understand what Hinterland are going for with certain sounds covering up others.  But there is no denying that the sound levels are not working for certain set ups.  I only had a problem after the waterfall update then after that, switching to a different monitor recently made it worse.

    Even if they did a sound slider where you can't turn it completely off?  Like the minimum is still a significant volume, so they achieve what they're going for, yet there is more control for people who are suffering with bleeding ears?

    • Upvote 2
  14. This is all going to be a bit vague, but i remember mapping that area a while ago, probably when the mapping was first added.  And i didn't get a marker at that location, but when i hovered my mouse over the map in that location, there was a name that popped up.  I can't even remember what it said, but it was a unique sounding name if i remember right.

    I spent a while looking around the area thinking there was a building there, but found nothing.

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  15. On 5/26/2020 at 5:04 PM, ManicManiac said:

    ...Waterfalls can be extremely loud... :D
    ...The wind can also be very loud... :D

    These things can obscure other ambient sounds and noises... I think that's kind of the point.

    Generally speaking if I think the waterfall is just "too loud" in my headset then the easier answer is to: turn down my headset (rather than asking Hinterland to change their game just to better suit an individual).  I think it would be a bit silly to be able to hear our footsteps in the snow over the sound of water fall.  :D

    To me this is the weirdest nit pick I've read in a long time.  I think it's fine the way it is.  I think it's reasonable for waterfalls to be loud... I think it's reasonable for high winds to be loud.  Folks who want to mute certain sounds of nature in favor of others, don't make sense to me.  :D

    I get that certain sounds being loud is kind of the point...i do.  I realise why they have done that, so that you can't hear wolves or bears as clearly round the corner.  And for the record, i wouldn't want to mute them completely.  But when the sound of them leaves a ringing in your ears for an hour later, then they are absolutely too loud.

    Turning down the whole volume isn't a fix as then you can't hear anything else.  I personally at the moment play with every slider up to 100%, except music which is at 25%, and sounds which are at 15%.....and still the sound of the waterfalls leaves a ringing in my ears, they are that loud (for me).  This is what i mean when i said there seems to be some inconsistency  between certain set-ups.

    I personally have only had this issue since the update that they did to waterfalls way back, when they changed the visuals of them too.  Are you saying an intended feature was only introduced in that update?

    It's great that it is all working ok for you, but clearly it isn't for everyone.  And i don't think it's intentional.

    Would it make any difference to you if they added different sliders?  You could just keep it the way it is after all.  Folk that want to take away from others when it makes no difference to themselves at all don't make sense to me  😉 :coffee:

    • Upvote 2
  16. I would personally love to see more volume sliders also.

    I get that waterfalls are intended to be loud, but for me, they're unbearable.  So much so, that i mute my whole monitor while i'm near one.  I've also seen a lot of variation when watching others play TLD in regards to the volume of the waterfalls.  For some, they are extremely loud (and they have commented on that), then for others, they seem more acceptable.  So maybe there are certain set-ups that are suffering more with inconsistent sounds.

    Separate sound effect sliders would alleviate any issues there and would be greatly appreciated in my case  :)  

    • Upvote 2
  17. Ok, my 2 cents, for what it's worth.


    Firstly, i love The Long Dark, it's one of my favourite games ever!  I have over 500 hours into it, but i wouldn't have anywhere near that if it wasn't for mods.  I physically would have been unable to play it without mods.  The reason being...the struggle mechanic.  My wrist just can't take button bashing.  Normally, if i buy a game that includes button bashing, i would uninstall immediately....in a bit of a rage i might add lol.  BUT, i love The Long Dark!  I wanted to play it.  So i installed a mod that helped me in struggles.

    Now, some people would consider that a 'cheating' mod, but if the only option was to use that mod or not play the game....then is it?  Really?

    It's great that HL have finally added an option to turn off said button bashing, but for the longest time the mod was the reason i carried on playing.  I would absolutely have just uninstalled the game without it.  I wouldn't have read through every patch to see if it had been added, i would never have given TLD another look or thought.  That's not a threat, it's just a sad fact.

    Apart from that mod, i carried on playing the game mostly vanilla for a long time.....and had a blast i might add!  I did however, start to get a little bit bored then.  Not because it's not a great game, but because you can never possibly release enough content (and fast enough) to keep everyone's attention.  That's just a fact of life, and by no means a reflection on yourselves.  So that is when i started looking at other mods.  New foods, clothes, crafting....just things that freshened up the game for me, kept me interested between content updates.  Surely that is a good thing? 

    I kind of feel like Hinterland should be encouraging modding to be frank.  Just look at TES and Fallout series.  Still today they are being played and modded (unofficially i might add), and that's because the modders were embraced.


    Now, i'm not sure where the hostility between modders and HL came from (none of my business), but it's absolutely clear (as a player) that there is some.  I'm also not saying it's either side.  But that hostility is hurting absolutely everyone.  Hinterland, modders and players.  Absolutely no one benefits from it.  And personally, as a player, there's nothing i'd love more, than to see everyone working together a little more...not against each other. 

    And of course, i'd love to see mod support accelerated.  Hey i can try right  :D 


    Finally, i thank Hinterland for an amazing experience.  I also thank the modders that have kept the game fresh for me.

    And i hope to play many more hours...with mods.