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Posts posted by Black_Bird

  1. On 9/12/2020 at 3:58 PM, ajb1978 said:

    A friend of mine is a corrections officer in a medium-security state penitentiary.  They have procedures for these scenarios, including one where the power goes out and the generators fail.  Essentially everything goes into lockdown immediately--all inmates return to their cells.  And the thing about prison is it's not like TV or movies--the inmates aren't itching for a chance to rebel, because the majority of them just want to do their time and go home.  You will get a couple bad eggs, and when they go off the rails the prison staff throw them in segregation.  The other inmates just back off, because again they just want to do their time and go home.  Actual prison riots are extremely, stupidly rare.  People literally win the powerball jackpot more frequently than a prison riot happens.

    So a more realistic scenario would be the power goes out, the guards put everyone on lockdown long before anyone realizes "this is permanent and the power isn't ever coming back".  Then after a while food reserves start to run low, and most likely the actual battle would be infighting among the prison staff.  A faction that argues "Screw those inmates, they had their chance, let's keep the rest of the food for ourselves" and the faction that argues "they're still human and we're not going to stoop to their level, keep them fed."  While the prisoners are helpless in their cells.

    With the quick clip that we saw in the March dev diary, I think that my idea of the prison being under the control of prisoners was righ. 


  2. On 9/9/2020 at 7:23 PM, Sherri said:

    I'm super excited about this teaser image. I wonder if there will be several NPCs inside?

    Yeah I think there will be ! We can already see lights comming out the doors and windows and we can probably imagine that prisoners/prison guards are still alive. 

    But I think that because of the aurora and everything... , prisoners have probably took control of the prison and either killed or emprisoned the guards. We can also imagine that maybe the prisoners who escaped the bus accident may have been for some of them able to get to the prison and join the prisoners inside of it. 

    • Like 2
  3. I just read the dev diary of august 2020 and I couldn't be more excited when I saw the picture of what I think is the Blackrock prison. 

    Honestly it looks really nice and I didn't thought we would get an illustration of it so thank you for these nice teasing. 

    We are all probably gonna have a lots of theories about the survivors inside the prison and where it is located (maybe a new small region).  


    PS: Thank you Raph and the team for the amazing work on the survival mode and on wintermute ! 

    • Like 4
  4. 2 hours ago, Fuarian said:

    Every phone in Pleasant Valley are connected through land-line. The Hunting Lodge is way across the mountains so it's unlikely. 

    Yeah that's seems hard... I had this idea of crossed event like the call from the radio tower.

    But we still don't know could have called the lodge. 

  5. I was watching an old let's play of TLD episode 1/2 and when we entered in the hunting lodge and finded the spear, a phone rang but we couldn't answer.

    Is it possible that the call was from Molly to Astrid ? 

    Molly did mention that her phone call would call every phone in the area, is the phone from the hunting lodge connected to the phone of PV ? 


    • Upvote 1
  6. 12 hours ago, Yavind said:

    So I just finished Episode 3. Nothing beats episode 1. :) I agree with you, its too much walking in story mode. 

    I started playing The Long Dark by the story mode so the episode 1 was cleary the best experience I had in the game. The cinematic between the episode 1 and 2 was an amazing moments of my gaming life ;) 

  7. Spoilers alert :) 


    So I finished the Episode 3 and I wanted to share my honest opion of it. (Sorry for my English I'm French) 

    My first impression of the episode 3 on the first day was pretty bad to be honest. I didn't liked the walking simulator from the town to the plane then from the plane to the town while having 50kg of materials and a human body on my shoulder and with all that being attacked by 3 wolves... So I stopped playing the tuesday pretty fast. The next day I started all over from the begining with the idea that I should try to not focus on some realistic issues but only enjoy the story and the world. 


    So the next day I did realy enjoyed the Episode 3 for thoses reasons

    -The music is breathtaking as always, 

    -The idea of the white wolves and the music with it is realy nice and I realy love it (even if it did scared me a lot) 

    -The story and astrid caracter is great (she wants to help people as a doctor even if as molly said she is not one of the "useful" doctors ;) ) 

    -Pleasant valley  is beautiful.  

    -The different legends of the region to give us some loots was a great idea, 

    -The different PNJ realy looked like they were alive and doing something (in oposition to jeremiah and grey mother) 

    -The last puzzle game in the mine with the fuze was realy great. 


    But there is still some things that I would have prefer or change:

    -Even if the white wolves were a great idea, I think it should have been more of an special event that happens like 3 or 4 times in the episode with a huge number of 4/5 wolves and the rest of the time we would only get some normal wolves. It would have creat an even more stressful situation when you ear the 3 first note of the music associated with the wolf and that you have a survivor on your shoulder. 

    -The main story is quiet short, I mean there is not that much of content in the episode 3 (only my opinion not that much but there is still a bunch to do)

    -It looks a lot like a walking simulator. I think that I spend to much time walking in this episode and once again "only my opinion" 

    -I would have liked a side quest to get the bow or the riffle not just finding a riffle in the small cabin in the town that maybe some people didn't looked in it 

    -It would have been great to not just have some small flash back of the event of milton but maybe a small action cinematic fighting against the prisonners. 


    I think that's it, there is still a lot to say but even with those small cons, I realy enjoyed my experience of episode 3 and I'm looking forward for the episode 4 and 5 :) (Hope we will play will) 

    • Upvote 2
  8. I have to say that it will be hard for the console player to do this part of the episode 3 I think ;) 

    To help you, I think the best way on a long term to get rid of those type of wolves is to use the revolver or in last choice the riffle/bow. Your goal is to take only one wolf as a target. When he is close to you or running towards you : shoot it in the head. It should be enough to kill him, if it isnt try to shoot an other bullet on him or an other wolf and they will probably run away. 


  9. 12 hours ago, ajb1978 said:

    There is nothing to suggest that the collapse was uniform.  And the fact that Astrid made it through (if she didn't, there would be no episode 3) indicates that an exit out the front of the bus had to be possible.  Otherwise she'd spend the entirety of Episode 3 hiding in a half-collapsed bus.

    Yeah but if you go back and lock to any video of the bus cinematic like this one at 10:10, we can clearly see that the bus is facing toward the ground, so the head of the bus is clearly crushed and if you look inside th bus, we see that he is filled of snow/wood/rocks... 

    And we can even see that the bus is not inside the tunnel but like 5 meters away from the entrance so I clearly don't see how astrid and The prisoner went out of milton 


  10. On 6/8/2019 at 4:55 PM, ajb1978 said:

     If he were towards the back of the bus, and survived the crash with Hobbs, then he would not have been able to leave Milton.  There are no exits out of the region, until Will creates one using Lily's gear.  If he were towards the front of the bus, you could argue he was ahead of the collapse, and simply exited the bus out the front door.  Followed the highway to some new region, perhaps Perseverance Mills, then hit Pleasant Valley, then the Winding River, and reached Carter via the back entrance.  Plausible....but then he would have had zero knowledge of Astrid.

    Although I don't think we're really meant to be picking this apart with a fine toothed comb.  Like we used to say in this old creative writing group I was part of years ago, "Matrix Drill".  It's basically a way of saying "There are no plot holes," and just ignore it.

    Even in the second possibility is not possible for me the front of the bus is just crush under the rock because :

    The tunnel is very long it's not like a door. You have to walk like at least 100 meters to get to the exit so: the landslide isn't like a wall with like 50 cm of width. It's an enormous number of rocks of fell so it's more like 10 meters of width

    I don't know if you understand what I meant but I think you get the idea don't you ? 

  11. 22 hours ago, shade_grey said:

    Where did you get this information? The events of episode one don't imply anything of this level of specificity with regards to the Astrid's actions.

    Here I don't have any proof, Im just thinking those are the two main possibility for her to go to Milton whitout her briefcase and Will

    22 hours ago, shade_grey said:

    Again, where did you get this information? The events in episode one tell nothing at this level of specificity. I'd say that about 96% of the events experience by the people who aren't Will and Grey Mother during episode one are, as of now, unknown.

    For this part we have some informations by the grey mother, and the prisoner Hobbs. If you played the Redux you meet Hobbs and he explain that they (the prisoner) burned the school with some ihnabitants inside and that astrid tried to save the people inside the burning school so we can easily understand how all must have went.

    1. The aurora : consequence -> The crash of the plane and the crash of the bus.

    2. The prisoner get out of the bus and go to milton. Astrid go to milton

    3. The prisoner burned (apparently by accident) the school and Astrid arrives at this moment to try to save the people inside.

    4. Astrid fight with the prisoner and run away. 

  12. I was thinking about it after watching some Wintermute videos and I'm not sure but isn't it an incoherence in the evenement of the events in Milton ?

    First the plane crashes so Astrid and Will are seperated. We know that Will and her Briefcase are realy important so Astrid as to :


    1. Run too Milton looking for help and let some scarf piece behind to allow Will to find her path. 

    2. She was forced by a animal or a prisoner to run away 


    During that, the bus of prisoner get crashed at the entry of the tunnel after milton. The prisoner who survived get out of the Bus and they go to Milton. 

    Some thing went wrong with the inhabitant of Milton, they burn a part of them by accident in the School. 

    Astrid get here at this moment and try to save the Inhabitants but it's too late.

    The prisoner try to kill her so she start to fight with them, kill one of them but get wouded.

    She run away and pass trough the stone of the tunnel and survive. 


    If she run away and don't get cought by the prisoner because she was small enough to pass the landslide, who can we find Mathis and 5 prisoners dead body in the mystery lake ? 

    In this situation where astrid pass the landslide, the prisoners are trapped inside Milton. Am I wrong ? 

  13. In both scenarios, he will die but:

    (0. How can he survive like one or two days with a knife in is chest deeply in...)

    1. With the amount of blood lost when you pull the knife, he will surely die quickly.

    2. Push the knife is even something nicer I think, he is already dying slowly so if you stop is pain by making him die quickly you did a good action. 

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