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Everything posted by coyohti

  1. First off I want to assure the OP that their post is absolutely not whiny. There are so many games where audio cues are incredibly important and it's got to be incredibly frustrating for the deaf and hearing-impaired. Ironically though...I've actually muted the sound in this event. The sound design is very good at creating a tense atmosphere but ultimately I discovered the only time I can take any effective action is when the darkwalker timer is on screen. Otherwise I just focus on getting from one point to the next. Aside from my continuing wolf problem it's been very peaceful. If there is a way to tell from which direction the darkwalker is approaching I didn't hear it. I have seen tracks being made a couple of times, those being the only times I knew its location. Really good eye to keep away from the wolves! I didn't realize how much I relied on audio cues for wolves until I muted the game. Now I find myself aiming at every particularly dark spot in any wolf-possible area. Lots of tires. Amazing how much a tire can look like a wolf sometimes. o___o If Hinterlands were, in the future, to add a visual cue to work with the atmospheric noise in the game (and they should) I'd suggest something like a little heartbeat icon that pulses when the darkwalker is apparently in the area but not actively approaching.