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Posts posted by Monsarona

  1. Okay, so I have two stories.


    This was a few months ago so I don't remember much of the context. But I know it was the first time I had come across a climbing rope in game and I was in kind of bad shape and hoped something that would save me would be up there. I look up at it and go, I can totally climb that. So I start climbing not realizing that my stamina was pretty low. I get about halfway up before I realize that I am not gonna make it after all. No big deal. I start heading back down. I get down to the bottom and hop off the rope, turn around, and there is a bear running straight towards me. I panic and get back on the rope and climb a little ways back up. But my stamina is quickly fading and I know I can't stay up here forever and that bear is not going anywhere any time soon. I am sure you can all imagine what happened next. Bear lunch.


    This was more recent. I was hanging around ML relearning the game since I stopped playing for a while. I got myself nice and settled in the Camp Office and decided that my stats were all good and the weather was nice so I was going to go exploring. I left and headed to the tracks and walked until I found the entrance to a new map. I cross over and start heading out across some ice. Soon afterwards I have my first experience with thin ice, which I didn't even know that was a game feature lol. 

    I was walking across the ice when I see two wolves and a bear at varying distances in front of me and to my sides. At this moment I hear the ice start creaking and try to start sprinting and splash! In the water I go. Luckily, I was at full health so I didn't lose much but then I was freezing and hypothermic and every time I try to take a few steps I fall in again. After falling maybe 6 times i finally make it to land and have maybe 10% health left but there are still wolves/bears really close by. But I know I cannot go anywhere unless I am warmed up as I was already swaying and about to pass out. So, thinking I am probably going to die anyway, I make myself a fire with the sticks and wood I have, lay my bed roll down next to it, and sleep out in the open waiting for death to take me. 

    Somehow, I make it through by sleeping 2-3 hours at a time. I make it back up to a stable condition and all warmed back up so I pick up my bedroll and try to slink back where I came from back to ML, carefully avoiding the wolves that are still patrolling nearby. I am, at this point, feeling pretty confident since I just cleverly saved myself from deaths clutches. But the bad part about the sleeping arrangement was I slept through the day and had to try to find my way back at night. I was doing fine until the weather turned bad and my condition started dropping again. Not stupid enough to try to keep going, I collect a few more sticks and make myself a snow shelter and a nice fire in a wind sheltered alcove and go to try and wait out the storm. I was safe inside when i realized I was hungry and that I should to cook myself something. So I get out of the snow shelter and in doing so got slightly disoriented and ended up backing up over the fire and dying almost instantly from the burns. :)



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