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Posts posted by Maniac

  1. Seeing this also. Draw distance settings within TLD don't seem to change anything, the pop-in happens at the same distance away from the object regardless of what is set. And this isn't with items you can interact with in the world from what I've noticed so far, as they are usually way too small to see from a distance, its structure features, branches, grass, the ground/walls on occasions, etc.

    I have Tales From The Far Territory too, possibly broken since this latest update and/or DLC? Don't think I saw this previously.

    Asus TUF RTX 3070
    v527.56 Drivers

  2. Story or survival mode?

    If survival mode I'd agree however it may be more work than the devs can currently cope with, given story mode has these kinds of things already, and is probably their main focus right now.


  3. On 7/4/2020 at 2:48 AM, Soybean Lumberjack said:

    1. The ability to remove fuel from the lantern. In case you have multiple lanterns and want to fuel up one, or want to harvest the oil for fire-making.

    Yes. Completely agree on siphoning fuel.

    On 7/4/2020 at 2:48 AM, Soybean Lumberjack said:

    2. Scarf as both headgear and accessory. I personally think it makes sense that you would be able to wear two hats and two scarves

    Not sure about this. I think it opens it up to 'why not have more than 2 layers to everywhere else' which wouldn't work as a game mechanic. We also already have the wool ear wrap

    On 7/4/2020 at 2:48 AM, Soybean Lumberjack said:

    3. Binoculars/Scope for rifle. It would be nice to have a way to view areas from a distance if you are at a vantage point. Could be very useful in spotting potential loot sources or dangerous wildlife.

    Bino's yes, scope not so sure. I think a scope would make hunting too easy, or easier to snipe from a distance, unless it has a mechanic that causes accuracy loss.

    On 7/4/2020 at 2:48 AM, Soybean Lumberjack said:

    4. Summit Soda as a caffeine source. I think there should be a soda with caffeine that gives you the fatigue bonus of coffee

    Yes. I don't think it should be as strong or as long lasting as coffee though.

    On 7/4/2020 at 2:48 AM, Soybean Lumberjack said:

    5. Adding owls and woodpeckers.

    Hoot hoots are already in, come out at night of course. Generally players don't normally hunt at night for various reasons, but an idea if they were to add mice/rats/small mammals that owls hunt. Woodpeckers would be nice I think, although I've heard some noises that I'm not sure of, and could be woodpeckers? Of course, if they are woodpeckers, they don't indicate lumber locations.

  4. For me, I think co-op / multiplayer would ruin Long Dark's immersion.

    The atmosphere revolves entirely around the loneliness of surviving the apocalypse, outside of story mode of course which obviously couldn't be multiplayer.

    With two people as well, finding and gathering resources would make survival too easy I reckon.

    • Upvote 1
  5. I would disagree with lighters, however a natural way to fire starting may be a better idea to stick with Long Dark's style. Currently no such thing exists in-game, apart from magnifying glasses, however they do not work indoors so. After running out of matches etc, starting a fire via flint & steel or bushcraft methods such as a Bow Drill might be good?

  6. Personally, I think crafting/repairing structures would ruin some of the elements of survival. It would certainly make the areas of minimal human presence, such as Timberwolf Mountain, have less impact. 🥶

    Recovery of materials in destroyed house I agree with, to a point. It shouldn't change how the building looks, or removes it entirely, otherwise it diminishes its post-apocalypse feel.

    Some buildings have accessible basements already. Not common, but are there.

  7. Curious.. 🤔

    So potentially they've moved location, or don't spawn the same as the regular survival mode - in the sense that perhaps there's a chance it won't spawn at all instead of the 1 out of 9 locations.

    Anyone else confirm they've found a bunker or not? Any comments from a dev perhaps?

    If I know one hasn't spawned I can move onto the next area in the world 😊

  8. Quite simply, have they been removed for Winter's Embrace?

    I'm well versed in all possible cache locations after playing for so long and, unless I'm going crazy, they've either been removed or have been moved to new locations/slightly altered locations from where you usually find them.

    Has anyone else come across this, or have they spawned for you?
