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Posts posted by Vhalkyrie

  1. No, I do not have any stone caches nearby.  I do have 2 on the map, but they are close to the transition zone.  They were created before the current Tales update, though.

    I have been playing for several hours on other maps (Mystery Lake, Broken Railroad, Mountain Town, Forlorn Muskeg) without any issues.  Each of those maps have stone caches on them (also previously created before Tales update).  It's just after traveling to Forsaken Airstrip that this started occurring. 

    I guess I could try going to another map to continue playing, but I wanted to start the shortwave radio quest.

    Edit: I tested a few things.  I can remove items from the hanger, exit, and re-enter with the game saving without error.  But as soon as I drop or store anything inside the hanger or the car trunk, if I re-enter the hanger, I get the error.  I entered a tech support ticket and included my save game file, so maybe that will help.

    I read that previously, this bug was EXITING a building.  My issue is ENTERING a building.  I've encountered this bug in the hanger and cargomaster's trailer.

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  2. Did you get an answer to this?  I just started getting it tonight in the Forsaken Airfield.  I can enter the hanger, sleep, and save.  But as soon as I drop or store an item, I get the error: Failed to restore the game from a previous save.

    I have reloaded, walk in, out and back in the hanger, which saves the game.  But if I drop an item, it breaks the next time I walk in.  I have tried storing my items in a car trunk outside, then walking back in to save.  No matter what or where, if I drop/store an item, I cannot save the game.  It doesn't appear to be a specific item, just any item.  I've verified game integrity, and it didn't find any issues.

    Guess I am parked until there is a fix or a workaround.  I can't find a way past it yet.

  3. Gosh, I miss the rifles.  The new variants are great, don’t get me wrong.  But yeah, I used to be driven, scouring every map looking for the rifle prize.  Of course I’d look for clothes and food, but finding a rifle was like the top prize to haul across five maps.  Every map used to be guaranteed to have 1.  Maybe I’m weird, but even though I have the new variants, I’d still love to find the old ones.  

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  4. I came back to the game to check out the Forsaken Airfield.  In my new run, I was quite surprised that I couldn't find a hunting rifle in any of the usual spots.  I just found Vaughn's Rifle.  Do normal rifles still spawn?  I looked all over Mystery Lake and Milton, but did not find a normal variant anywhere.  I just started a new game, so I haven't gone to any other maps other than those two.  I've found 5 revolvers, though.

    I'd like a normal variant to skill up on because I understand that Vaughn's has a faster degrade rate, so I'd like to save it for later when I have level 5 rifle skill.  I'm thinking of using a normal variant until it breaks, and save the rifle cleaning kits for the variants.

  5. I've died in so many ways, I had a thread about it a long time ago called "You Never Forget Your Many Deaths".

    My most memorable has to be Death By Chocolate bar.  I don't remember how many days it was, but it was a fairly long run and I was fairly established.  I ate a low condition chocolate bar (it wasn't that low - just bad rng), and got food poisoning.  This was the first time I got food poisoning, and I misread the first aid description.  I thought it was "Take Antibiotic" OR "Sleep 10 Hours".  I thought, "Oh, well if I go to sleep, I can conserve medicine" (which I had plenty of btw).  I was woken up near death and in a panic.  I thought my low condition was due to not eating enough food, so I ate everything available and went back to sleep.  Then Died By Chocolate Bar a short while later.  I went back and read that the treatment was antibiotic AND 10 hours rest.  Oops.

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  6. 1 hour ago, Drifter Man said:

    Good to see you too! I remember reading your "many deaths" journal when passing time in the Dam.

    I don't play anymore but I keep returning from time to time - like you, I guess.

    Ah, yes!  My favorite death is still Death by Chocolate Bar.  Your dam experiments were so helpful for us surviving in EA!

    I've recently come back to playing with the new updates and maps.

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  7. After a very long break and recently returned, I was surprised to find that the original Fluffy is no longer at the dam.  The dead corpse at the lower dam door with bandages, and the arrows in the wall no longer makes sense.

  8. 2 hours ago, Drifter Man said:

    In TWM I made my living out of fish + an occasional stolen deer kill. It ended up being quite comfortable - unless you go Sasquatch of course :D But the game has changed since, maybe this wouldn't be possible anymore.


    Hey Drifter - glad to see a familiar name after such a long time!

    Yes, it's still possible on TWM.  I'm doing it now.  Things have changed, but also still the same.  My new game is subsisting on mostly fish and rabbits, but the stolen deer is a boon as it has been before.

    But for survivability on non fishing zones like FM and BR, deer steals are still viable, but tricky.  Startling them before they detect you is the best chance.  Other than that, they always leave at least 1kg of meat that can be scavenged after they get their fill.

  9. There are a lot of spray cans!  It's probably high to start with so existing games can utilize/catch up with them.  I've been using them in caves where I've previously used sticks.  Though I'm not sure how I feel about the graffiti - I would have preferred tying ribbon markers or scratching/etches (aka tree scribbles: I 💓 LD 4Ever). 

    They'll probably lower the rate in future updates.

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  10. Good summary!

    I'm a EA player that just reloaded the game to see what's changed, different and new.  I have to say that the flare changes on the wolves is the most problematic.  They lowered the chance for torches to scare wolves way back in the day, and flares were really the only reliable way to scare them off.  Maybe bad rng, but I've only had the flare scare one wolf out of many in my newest game.  It ran off, but the fear effect wore off pretty quickly and I had to fight it anyway.  This is just the standard black wolf and regular flare btw, not the timberwolf.

    I have only experienced timberwolves in Ep 3.  They were pretty terrifying at first, but the marine flares and the revolver to the face work pretty well.  The problem is it seems like the normal wolves are fearless now.  I'd rather scare them off in my survival games because otherwise I end up with hundreds of dead wolves, and I don't need any more pelts.

    I would rather play a custom game where I could tweak this behavior, but they removed ability to earn Feats in Custom.

  11. I attempted this last night.  I got to the summit, but didn't have enough time to get back to DP.  I know now how to shave off some extra time.  Basically, I spent one extra day that I didn't need to in ML, or else I would have made it.

    I went the Ravine route instead of through the Dam.  I didn't have a weapon or a knife, so I wasn't going to risk Fluffy with clothes that I was already barely staying warm in.  I took a short nap in the Ravine, then made the Ravine Crossing at night. :o Reckless move I would never do in my Sandbox game, so this was a nice change of pace.  The sense of urgency had returned.

    Even though I didn't complete it, I had fun.  Will try again soon. :) 

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  12. 7 hours ago, hauteecolerider said:

    Oh, metronidazole isn't all that uncommon, especially if you have pets or farm animals. 

    It is one of the most commonly prescribed drugs in the vet's pharmacy. I think I prescribed almost as much metronidazole as I did Clavamox (amoxicillin augmented with clavulanic acid). It works great for diarrhea due to bacterial imbalance or due to protozoan parasites. Which makes it totally appropriate in the case of food poisoning . . .

    I stand corrected. :) Treatment of farm animals is something I know nothing about!

    My cat has been prescribed Clavamox, but never metronidazole.  But she is a fat, lazy house cat that doesn't go outdoors, so parasitic infection risk is nonexistent, so maybe that's why I've never seen/heard of it.

  13. 9 minutes ago, Dinhammer said:

    I suppose the devs intend the in-game antibiotic to be metronidazole, which is actually effective against both bacteria (particularly anaerobes) and parasites.  Some fun reading for microbiology geeks about why:





    Very interesting.  Thanks for sharing that.  Though given how uncommonly known it is, it seems odd that it would happen to be in the random medicine cabinets in post-apocalyptic Canada? :)  I still favor the birch tea idea.  It would require collection outdoors and perhaps to far areas in order to gather.  Thematically, it fits.

  14. I completed my test trial of parasites.  Overall it's pretty tame.  The only issue I have with it is the antibiotic treatment is not appropriate.  Unless this is intended to be some kind of bacterial parasite (is there such a thing?), the course of antibiotics doesn't make sense.  I totally agree with the suggestions for birch bark tea, which coincidentally happens to be a real world remedy for intestinal parasites.  It's lore fitting for the region too.

    While I already have been eating mostly rabbit and fish, the deterrent not to eat wolf meat is probably altering my behavior in a positive way.  I had opportunities to kill a wolf and instead chose non confrontation because I have enough hides, and the meat is sketchy.  So my only constructive feedback on this addition is that the remedy isn't lore fitting.

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  15. 3 hours ago, cekivi said:

    +1 :)

    And according to Dr. Google it's also a natural cure for worms so it's a real cure too :D

    I guess they'd need to add more birch trees then. Right now I only remember seeing them on Timberwolf Mountain.

    There are birch trees over in the forest area near the Barn on Pleasant Valley.

    Agreed with @Boston123.  This looks like an attempt to fix the "too much wolf meat" scenario, but the actual issue is the wolf spawns are too frequent, and there are too many.  The parasite affliction itself I'm not objecting to, however.  I actually kind of like the risk change and that you have to take a multi-course medicine treatment to fix it (just like real parasitic infections).  However, I'm mostly objecting to the cumulative, non-degrading effect, like many others.  I'd also still like to see a reduction of wolf spawns, at least on Voyager.  I think Stalker is probably fine for people who like the wolf-dodging, but my Voyager game I play for the explorer/environmental survival.

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  16. I don't have too much to add that hasn't already been said.  Really excited for the new features!  Usually I'm hesitant to buy Early Access games, but this one has more than exceeded my expectations.  I have almost 300 hours played according to my Steam stats, which is on par with my Dragon Age hours.  My longest played game is Skyrim with 913 hours.  With all the features you have planned, I well expect TLD to meet or exceed my Skyrim hours!  You are building a classic.  I am more than willing to wait for the Story mode, and am eagerly anticipating the Sandbox updates in the meantime!