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Posts posted by Dirmagnos

  1. Yes to watches, no to durability. They should have same parameters as magnifying glass(rare and indestructible). On the downside, if player forgets to wind it up, then hes in trouble.

    Could be even several types of watches. Simple ones, advanced ones(with various other stuff, like barometer included) and expensive variations of those two, making their spring lasting longer before it needs winding up.

    • Upvote 1
  2. Cabin Fever is a feature that creates numerous completely absurd problems and scenarios without adding anything of value to the game.

    Original issue of amassing huge amounts of days by hibernating could have been solved by simply changing way how those scores are being calculated.

    • Upvote 3
  3. Custom markers and notes, in various forms and shapes.

    Also, in terms of "loading own maps". If would be nice to have option to load custom jpegs for each region, Once upon a time, when i was playing UO, there was an automap program, where player was supposed to input his coordinates(on first run), as program did not automatically acquire them(after that tracking worked, but first location input needed to be manual to pinpoint player initial location in game world). Same could be done in tLD. Load custom map, get your coordinates from debug screenshot(F8), input them into program and it adjusts player position to map, as long as map coordinate system is compatible with default settings, eg every X cm on map equal to X (k)m on map.

    Maybe im overcomplicating things.

  4. 15 hours ago, TROY said:

    1. Measures must be taken to minimize harmful interference with wildlife and control the introduction of non-native species - animal or plant. To the point of not taking soil or growing compost to Antarctica as it may contain plant seeds, fungal spores or adults, eggs or larvae of any number of soil-dwelling invertebrates.

    2. The Antarctic Peninsula region - which has a warmer and wetter climate, with above-freezing temperatures common in the summer months.

    3.  More than 98 percent of Antarctica is covered with ice, this contains about 70 percent of the world's fresh water. The thick ice cover...mean thickness of ice cover 1829 METERS   These facts are all available and are hereby attributed to http://www.coolantarctica.com/ 

    You do understand that humans are not the only ones who can carry seeds over to different areas ? Birds, currents, animals, winds has been doing that long be4 rise of humanity. All over the world across oceans.

    Also, approximately 0.4% of Antarctica is ice free. Considering size of the continent its a bit over half a million square kilometers. Its almost the size of a friggin France.


    Paul Schaberg, a research plant physiologist with the USDA Forest Service’s Aiken Forestry Sciences Laboratory in Burlington, Vermont, has led many investigations of cold tolerance in trees, particularly in the foliage of montane spruce and fir in New England.

    Schaberg’s work suggests three basic ways in which living tree cells prevent freezing. One is to change their membranes during cold acclimation so that the membranes become more pliable; this allows water to migrate out of the cells and into the spaces between the cells. The relocated water exerts pressure against the cell walls, but this pressure is offset as cells shrink and occupy less space.

    The second way a tree staves off freezing is to sweeten the fluids within the living cells. Come autumn, a tree converts starch to sugars, which act as something of an antifreeze. The cellular fluid within the living cells becomes concentrated with these natural sugars, which lowers the freezing point inside the cells, while the sugar-free water between the cells is allowed to freeze. Because the cell membranes are more pliable in winter, they’re squeezed but not punctured by the expanding ice crystals.

    The third coping mechanism is altogether different. It involves what Schaberg describes as a “glass phase,” where the liquid cell contents become so viscous that they appear to be solid, a kind of “molecular suspended animation” that mimics the way silica remains liquid as it is supercooled into glass. This third mechanism is triggered by the progressive cellular dehydration that results from the first two mechanisms and allows the supercooled contents of the tree’s cells to avoid crystallizing.

    All three cellular mechanisms are intended to keep living cells from freezing. That’s the key for the tree; don’t allow living cells to freeze.   http://northernwoodlands.org/ 

    True. Except that majority of trees have trouble of surviving temperatures below -40C. All that fancy antifreeze will get them only so far. Plus, as any living organism, trees are unable to instadapt to extreme condition fluctuations. It takes time, something that they didnt have in tLD.


    Winter was the preferred logging season for cutting trees because of ease of movement over snow and over frozen lakes and rivers.  The woods teamed with lumber camps during the winter months. First using axes, .....



     @Dirmagnos   Any other questions,  "moron"?


    ***EDIT***  I'm sorry, it was not my original intention to be mean, and I would like to state for the record, that Dirmangos has made several very good, and very factual points in this thread.  I just happened to take issue with a few which were not correct. My apologies for being snarky.

    huh !

    "Winter has long been king for the simple reason that, historically, that’s when people had time for logging. A century ago, farmers and hired hands headed for the woods to make some extra money in the off-season."

    Taken from your own sources.

  5. 5 hours ago, TROY said:

    You sir, have clearly never cut a tree in the winter time. And you clearly know very little about the biology of tree's and plants. I don't mean to be insulting in any way, but you are, quite frankly, talking out your ass. The reason there are not Trees in Antarctica has less to do with temperatures than isolation (no seeds can get there naturally and implantation is forbidden). It is also because there is not any soil on the surface for them to grow in. Trees DO NOT freeze solid in the winter, unless they are very small, and you would NOT have a better chance of falling one with a bat than an ax. Winter was historically the favored season for logging, and still is, but for different reasons

    I know enough about plants for that matter.

    Really, its about isolation in Antarctica ? Any actual proof available... or are you just talking out of your ass ? Also Antarctica is not all snow and ice, from same category of claims.

    Trees do not freeze solid under normal conditions, but when temperatures fluctuate greatly, outside of normal parameters, then trees, as any organism will have trouble adapting. And it has been hinted that weather conditions following Event are unusual, more extreme than normal.

    Winter has been used for logging because during other seasons people were busy with other things, that you cant do during winter, not because its the most favorable for such activities.

    Also, any1 who claims that this or that discussion is pointless, is a moron. Truth is born in argument. That how you refine ideas, by discussing them.

  6. He probably means leather, not hides.

    And loot is largely based on rng and game difficulty. You may get lucky or you may get just some junk. I rather commonly run into safes(and there is like 3 or 4 of them in whole game) that have like 1 flare in them. On Stalker 3 out of 4 containers are empty.

  7. Never seen animals returning to same path after being injured. They can run on the other side of the map, given right conditions and then hang out there. Had more that enough wounded wolves lost and then corpses accidentally found, when i was already on a different task.

    Altho sometimes their behavior is rather erratic, so they run back and forth in same area, which is extremely weird. But they never go back to where they started. I once wounded a bear on one side of DP, who then run around like crazy for good 15 minutes, till he calmed down on the opposite side of the map. 

  8. Have you ever played Skyrim or GTA 5? These extra cosmetic features that don't have practical, significant impact on the game play are what separate good games from great games. The more the better!

    More doesnt equal to be better by a mile. Piling together a huge pile of various idea and features does not guarantee success of the game, as has been proven many many many times.

    Proper balancing and interactivity is what makes great game(among other things). Fallout 4 has ability to sit like friggin everywhere(not to mention being a pile of various completely random features), that annoyed me greatly; didnt really contribute to game quality, it being total and utter garbage, worse Fallout game by a mile, even compared to BoS, that has been considered worse Fallout game(but not bad in its own right) for years.

    So, question is not if it can be added, but what exactly does it bring into the game and is it a positive or negative change.

  9. I've often enough sat for half an hour or longer in the snow while taking a break while snowboarding, never had a frozen ass...

    What were you wearing, what was outdoor temperature and snow is not the same thing as stone floor.

  10. Yeah, sitting down outside or in a cave (or on a concrete floor like in the dam) should probably lower the 'feels like' temperature a few degrees.

    A few degrees ? Sitting down on a cold stone floor will render your ass frozen in matter of minutes.

  11. Why i could see sitting added i fail to see why it should be added.

    Its one of those features that have no point at all, like adding polka dancing or whistling. Feature without any practical implementation.

  12. Trees ARE rocksolid. And they ARE completely frozen thru.

    There is a reason why there is no trees in Antarctica and one of those is extremely cold weather. With constant temperatures dropping pretty much every night below -40 in game, they will freeze thru in matter of days. There is no circulation of nutrients under those conditions.

    Even if winter were to end, most of the forest would end up dead.

    Youd have greater chance to fall a tree if you go at it with a big bat, instead of an axe. While they are solid, they are also fragile and you may have better chance at breaking it, rather than cutting it down.

    Even if you will fall a tree, then you need a saw(that we dont have) to cut it(pls dont even joke about using a hatchet/axe). And it would take quite a lot of calories and time even with warmer weather.

    Since most trees were/alive alive prior to incident youd have to dry them for a month be4 youd be able to use them without dying from co2 poisoning.

    Best bet would be going for dead trees, since they had no circulation in them to begin with, plus cold will do rather good job at breaking them, plus they wont require as much time to dry. Altho we again run into "no saw" problem.

    As with many aspects of game, most people completely discard effect that extreme cold has on various objects and view the issue from the standpoint of just low(but not extremely low) temperatures.

  13. Considering abundance of respawnable wood i dont really see why cutting down trees is needed.

    Not to mention that that it would simply be a waste of time and energy.

    Those trees and frozen solid, so cutting it down would be quite a feat, especially with hatchet(they are rocksolid). Then you have to cut/saw it somehow into logs, then you have to transport and dry that wood. Player would spend a week to deal with just one tree... only dealing with that tree, putting everything else on hold.

  14. Id like more weapons. Right now whole armory is limited to 3 of them and having 7 rifles in storage feels kinda weird. There should be some script in place that replaces excessive rifles(that spawned but havent been found yet) with something of use, like maintenance kits or ammo, depending on how many rifles player already found, their condition and amount of ammo.

    Fighting off wolves at the moment is way 2 easy. I actually use them as main source of meat. Simply by knifing them.

    And pls dont compare TLD to that piece of garbage, a disgrace to the series, that is Fallout 4.