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Everything posted by DedStalker

  1. Hi folks! One form of tinder I keep in my box is charcloth. It is easy to make and gives you a nice excuse to make a small fire. What I do is cut up small squares of denim (natural fibers work best) and place them in a small tin (Altoids or Sucrets work fine). No need to make vents holes as the hinges provide them ready made. Once the denim (or what ever you use) is in the tin, close the lid and place the tin in the fire. Don't wander off too far, watch the hinges. You should begin to see smoke seeping out after a few minutes. The charcloth is done once there is no more smoke escaping through the tin's hinges. The charcloth should be black or nearly so. It catches a spark very easy and the tin you made it in makes a handy (but not waterproof) tinderbox. See y'all around.