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Posts posted by Whisper


    Yes, the only thing that comes to my mind is that if this works for you, then probably you should not take a lowered intake of water and that's why I can sleep for 12 hours in a row. Although I already sent a bug-report I hope this post will be read by the developers too.

    And they will be able to explain to me how density of objects = "high" means that they do not exist usually: I killed about five new games on this and a bunch of hours of time.


  2. Troxism, do you realy think  I am newbie? Of course I know about nonlinearity.

    I slept for hours 12 for example (without thirst and hunger) and did not receive any treatment. To Aurora dropped out twice in a row, you need a probability 50% per day, for example, not 10%  because otherwise I'm very lucky and knocked out an event whose probability is 1%. Why on earth would this be "high" if "medium" Aurora happens once a week? 

    All these are bugs and that's why I'm angry. As far as I remember, treatment on low worked at 1.16 and stopped working at 1.17

    LucidFugue, a bunch of parameters are just numbers in the simplest formulas: such things how much take away your health or add do not depend on anything other than a predetermined constants and some simple conditions. If there was a console open and there were debugging commands that allow to change them on the fly there would be no posts at all.


  3. 1. I set the high probability of the appearance of the Aurora and I see it for the first two nights in a row - of course, this is too often and I put a medium - in four days no Aurora at all.
    2. Recovery while sleeping is "low" - no treatment at all (!) This does not differ in any way from the parameter "none".
    3. The high density of things in a non-empty box means their absence and vice versa. WTF?

    I'm very angry because to find out this, you have to start new game every time - is this a beta test?  To understand how any option really works, you need to start the new game, and if it comes to fighting with a wolf more than once!

    Make it so that some of the settings can be changed during the game to understand their values or make a table where everything is indicated with the use of numbers. 

    Is it so hard?