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Posts posted by hipsu555

  1. On 9/27/2023 at 8:20 AM, ManicManiac said:

    From what I see, they work hard to deliver on their plans the best that they can

    What makes you think they work hard?
    First thing when opening the game is you see is disclaimer about no crunch.  A bit of crunch is sometimes helpful, especially when you're already way behind on schedule. They choose to sell a 12-month expansion pass, not us. After so much time working on the game they should know what they are capable of and what not. 

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  2. 2 hours ago, DIA said:

    “What’s there? If they’ve been doing it for so long, it’s probably something very large-scale?!”

    We already know what's gonna be there and that it isn't "very large-scale"

    They work almost 10 years on this game and have released a dozen of maps, after all this time they should know how long stuff takes (including testing & bug fixes).
    I feel like they reduced the team to a bare minimum for whatever reason

    • Upvote 4
  3. It was planned to release an update every 8-10 weeks. We know that didn't work out... but how on earth did we end up with 6 months per update?

    Part 4 was release on 21. June and part 5 is planned for the end of the year.
    That's almost 3x the time planned for each update. How did this happen?

    From what I see we will get 1 map + tale, Travois and the first person hands/gloves. That's really not that much content for 6 months of work. 

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  4. In May Dev Diary they said

    "I completely understand if any of you feel burned by this situation and want to have TALES refunded. We can’t issue refunds ourselves, but you can request them from the platform you purchased the game on."

    I tried to get a refund on steam but steam told me "there does not seem to be an official request from this publisher for this" and they cant make a refund. 

    How can I get a refund now for the Tales DLC? 

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  5. I think the Enhanced Beachcombing is kinda buggy

    Somestimes stuff floats in the air and theres always alot of dead fish and tons of Hatchets. I only checked Coastal Highways waterline a few times and found always 1-2 hatchets, mostly at the same place, always together with 2 dead fish. Already started to leave them behind because I got like 20+ hatchets 

    The fish is always ruined (at 0%) but looks like fish in good condition. when placed somewhere and picked up again they change magically colour to another (rotten?) state. 


    (And I dont know it its a bug or intended, but at coastal highway near the shop/gas station there are way too many animals. I only play for 2 days but I killed dozens of bears, moose and of course wolves and have MASSIVE ammounts of meat, guts and pelts, these animals just keep spawing arround and attacking me outside gas station / running to their death. its absurd with how much stuff you end up because of that. animal spawns seems kinda off and should be reduced for stalker) 



  6. 13 hours ago, ManicManiac said:

    I wouldn't want the game to turn into something else (like Green Hell or a bog-standard shooter...).
    I would also caution about all the skill tree's you're outlining... 
    I tend to think that if so many things are dependent upon "skill levels" then I think it could negate a lot of individual player skill

    I agree with you, but a fitness/strength skill would makes sense. We do a lot of waking/running in deep snow and spend much time carrying heavy stuff arround in the game, it would make sense that we gain some kind of physical strengh over time. The changes shouldn't be huge (were not turning into superman) but noticible over time, like in real life. 

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  7. 52 minutes ago, Smellyfries said:

    There's a wolf in Hush River Valley that can break your bedroll as well, pretty sure some wolves always attack your bedroll and there's a potential that you ran into the same wolf each time. I don't believe it's an bug, and you were unfortunately extremely unlucky. I've seen streamers have their runs ended by wolves like that, and many have just accepted and even make mental notes of which wolves can do which in a struggle. Too be quick: Wolves have been doing that for a long time, hopefully you don't run into another wolf like that again.

    If this is actually a "feature" it should be removed. The wolves were also not the same, atleast the second and third time. I cant really remember where the first bedroll broke, at this point I just thought I had bad luck and wasnt thinking much about it.

    Btw. the item-decay rates seem to be kinda off too. Im at day 60 now and all food i find is at 1%/ruined. I havnt played this game for a very long time but I dont remember food spoiling that fast on Voyageur

  8. I think theres some kind of bug with the bedroll. My bedroll was at arround 90% and the bag instantly broke after a wolf attack. This happend now 3 times.

    First time I went to ash canyon, bedroll broke, had to start a fresh game.

    Now second run, I made sure my bedroll is in good condition, went again to ash canyon for the backpack, got attacked, bedroll ruined.

    Went back to timberwolf mountain, got a backup bedroll, repaired it to 100%, went back to ash canyon. Spent arrond 4-5 days on the map, on my way back got in a struggle with a wolf, bedroll ruined again. Probably have to start a new game again now...


    Had anyone else similiar problems? I have over 300 hours in the game and never had a broken bedroll. Now 3 broke in a row just in a few days, im pretty sure there is something wrong with the game. I stop playing now for a while because this is gamebreaking

  9. 43 minutes ago, MarrowStone said:

    Id love a list of what actually arrived in this update.

    Yeah me too. So far it seems like not much has been added
    The new map is big but also has not much to offer. You got the airport and I think 4 buildings in the outskirts, thats pretty much it. Most parts of the map are just emtpy, theres not even plants, wood, animals or other resources, it feels like it got rushed and they had no time to add more things. Im sure the Tales are also not in because noone found the shortwave yet. In my opinion its a bit weak, I would have thought the shortwave and tales are alteast in it. 

  10. On 11/17/2022 at 7:57 PM, Admin said:

    Survivors, here are some of the teaser images from our recent posts on our social accounts. Please don't forget to Wishlist TALES FROM THE FAR TERRITORY on Steam or EGS. We'll have more information (including a Roadmap and launch date) to share very soon.  



    Handheld Shortwave

    Question: Is the Handheld shortwave already in the game?

    I spent quite some time on the new map and have not found the shortwave yet. I found the helicopter on the image but also no shortwave there either. I checked pretty much the whole map for it. 
    It was said each new map comes with tales, but without the shortwave I dont see any way to get these tales. 

  11. Hello, just wanted to leave some feedback about DLC and new map.
    First, Im happy you found a good way to be able to fund the future of this game. I like the idea of the bigger DLC and adding more content and new maps with it. The airfield looks awesome and im looking forward to the other maps and especially safehouse customization.

    On the other side theres also something I dont like. I feel like the world is at a point where it gets too big. I went to the airfield, explored the map and decided I dont want to spent my next 5 reallife-hours creeping slowly back to my main base with all the stuff I found and just closed the game. The path to the airfield is just way too long. Yes it feels like I went really far but it also makes me feel like never leaving this place again. Its just no fun pressing your W-Key for hours and walking slowly a straight line back. Most parts of these transition zones offer no real value or gameplay, they are just there. 

    I would love to see a way to travel faster between the regions. Not a magical button which transfers me, but something what makes traveling faster.
    Personally I would love to be able to clean and repair those train tracks, collecting fuel from cars and using it for a small train/cart as transport between the regions. You would still have some maps/places you can only reach by walking but it also connects some of the main regions. Alternatiely maybe Ski or some animal, but this would mean you can travel anywhere faster what I dont like. With the train you can only go to certain places and nothing more. 

    PS: Escuse my english, im not a native english speaker 🙂

    • Upvote 4
  12. Hello,

    I have a problem with the game. Everything is just extremely oversaturated. You can see it pretty good in the screenshots below. On my desktop everything is fine but after starting the game everything get oversaturated. Its even hard to read stuff on the steam overlay because the colours are just insane.

    Does someone maybe know a solution to this problem?


    Desktop / normal


    Ingame / extremely oversaturated


  13. 2 hours ago, mfuegemann said:

    Try to accomodate with the wolfes in survival mode. There is a great tutorial on how to handle single wolfs with a torch and stones.
    I found out, that the TW packs are held at bay by carrying a torch too. Just walk away from them and You are fine - at least as long as You have torches to light.
    Then the new noise bombs work really well, just throw them a bit to not hurt Yourself.
    And on my run I found flares in abundance, so You should be able to reach the next shelter.
    So far I do like EP4, even with the wolfes around everywhere.

    I dont have a problem with fighting them off, I have plenty of flares and ammo and already killed 20+ wolves. They are just super annoying and the respawn also seems to be pretty fast. I killed the three wolves beside the prison (on the way to the medic-room) and just a few days later they were already respawened, I really dont like this kind of design. Also hard to avoid them on all the narrow paths on this map, sometimes feels like a call of duty vs. wolves. 

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  14. Spoilers




    For me EP 4 is by far the worst episode of them all. The countless wolves are just too annoying, you cant even walk a few meters without running into the next wolfpack. I really hope EP 5 gets better, more exploring/story and less fights against wildlife. 


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