New Let's Player vs The Long Dark


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Hello, I have recently started a new Let's Play channel where I go by the Game Grue and I have recently begun playing The Long Dark.

Now I played this game completely blind, I didn't know anything about it. Well, my first episode was pretty embarrassing so you should definitely check it out.

The Long Dark Let's Play Episode 1 - Hypothermia

[bBvideo 560,340:264umri5]


If you liked that I play a little better on my second episode. You can see all my The Long Dark episodes

or stay tuned to this post.

If you didn't like it and you would like to tell me why I am open to criticism. I am not the most charismatic person which is part of why I have decided to try this, to get better.

If you didn't like it and don't want to tell me why then just move along :lol:

Thanks for giving me a shot and reading this far

Game Grue

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  • 3 weeks later...

It's been a while guys, if you are still interested I am still making The Long Dark videos. It just turns out this self-promotion thing is quite uncomfortable for me. So thank you for giving me a safe place to share.

Today we head off to pillage the fishing huts.

[bBvideo 560,340:3gp7oz6b]

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