Allow to pick up items while in proximity


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I find the dot pointer to sometimes be a nuisance. Some objects are so small (eg rifle cartridge) that just a slight move of the mouse doesn't allow you to pick it up. Either allow for greater proximity activation (maybe a circle with a size controllable by the player) or configure the inventory system with the 'I' key to allow to pick up items anywhere within reach?

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There are some survival games (dont starve for example) that you can pick close items by pressing space. A good improvement to the game

Some games also highlight items that can be picked up with flags or other obvious indications-- I don't think that fits in with the spirit of TLD, where spotting useful items is a skill and finding them is part of the game.

BUT, I do agree with the OP that small items can be unneccesarily tricky to pick up even once they are seen. The trick is not to make it too easy to randomly find things

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