guns but not crazy guns.

professor platypus

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Now I wish that there was some more guns in the game, not crazy though, I don't want to see machine guns or hand guns in the game, but some shotguns and more rifles, for every 1000 Canadians 300 of them own a shotgun or rifle (this information is a little off considering people don't normally own one shotgun or one rifle) So more longer ranged rifles with scopes (not more damage that would be excessive and mess up the game a but) and shot guns will be a great addition to the game. Lastly some hand made weapons will be nice, I my self could fashion a spear out of anything so I think our survival expert will (who seamed to know what is edible and that some random ass moss can heal you) should be able to make a spear. One last thing arrows are a pain, if a shot gun is added I would expect that Canadian geese will be added too (for their feathers and also because they are probably the most tasty bird in the world)

Thought? Comments? Cheers!!!

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I've only just started playing this game about a week ago, thoroughly love it! and I live in Australia so I'm not up to date on the current gun situation over there, but definitely a scoped rifle would be awesome, hunting at a distance is always a good thing.

When I found a magnifying glass I thought "ah, I must be able to craft a scope out of this, or repair one" sadly no~

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