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I don't know that the radios would serve much of any purpose (at least not now), but considering you can interact with them suggests Hinterland may have plans to do something with them. :P The car batteries look like they're a separate object too. As for the flashlights, I would love to see them added. It may possibly make the game easier, though there would have to be some thought put into it. Like maybe a limited amount of batteries at the start of a new game.

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No offense to you, but this topic has been addressed multiple times already.

If you don't know the story behind 'The Long Dark', I would suggest reading it on the wiki or asking one of the many people here. We're always glad to help. ;)

As for radios, they will indeed have a purpose at some point (namely, when the story comes out) If you are able to see the aurora in sandbox (extremely unlikely), however, I would take a chance at a radio. You might get something interesting.

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