Start menue bug


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Hi everyone , i'm here to report a bug

hopefully you'll be able to help me fix it if i am the problem

i played like 7 hours in a row without problem and then boom

guess what : the menue does not work , i get all the user info and stuff , but when i get in ( trapper homestead background , smoke comic out from it , wind sound and all that stuff ) i can't click on the sand box icon : i mean that when i click the story mode i get in the story mod menue , when i click option , i get the option menue and all , except for the sand box menue , i click on it , i hear the little click noise and nothin happen ... i just can't get the sand box menue so you understand at that point my game is useless because i can't play . not to mention that i checked the cache of the the game and desinstal reinstaled it

hopping for a quick fix

sincerely , Spoi

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