The Creative Transition Zone Game!


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The Creative Transition Zone Game


I know you creatives here like to flex your mind muscles. So here's a game for ya!

Come up with an idea for a transition zone. Whoever comes up with the best wins the acknowledgement of their hinterland peers as the best. What more could you ask for!

The criteria are:

1) A good name. (Something short but fits the bill, so to speak)

2) A description of the zone. (Buildings, terrain, points of interest etc)

3) A metaphor or general theme. (In Ravine, walking across the railway bridge. It's a metaphor for the sheer scale and magnitude of the event. The Mine between PV and CH could be interpreted, how people after the event have to utilise skills and knowledge that not many people before the event had. You get the idea.)

That's it. Use all the adjectives and don't worry about word limits. I don't know if you can setup polls in threads but until then, just say which one you like.

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