#3049 - v.282 Gamma changes based off of unrelated actions


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Didn't find a defect named this specifically, apologies if this has been tracked elsewhere.

When it's dusk/night, the screen is correctly dark. However, certain actions seem to increase the gamma. The gamma increase fades away, so there's definitely some function of the game at work here, but I doubt the actions I'm doing should be doing this. 100% reproducibility.

(Using Gherkin format for examples)


Given that you are outside while it is night

And you do not have any light out (lantern, match, flare)

And you are standing still

And the screen is very dark

Scenario: Running

When you start sprinting

And you aren't moving towards any light source

Then the screen gamma shouldn't increase (Does in my case)

Scenario: Changing equipment

Given you have more than one light source in your inventory

When you cycle between your light sources rappidly (press 1 button on keyboard many times)

Then the screen gamma shouldn't increase (Does in my case. Not even using the light sources. Haven't tried this with multiple weapons/non-light source equippable items)

Scenario: Item use

Given you have a flare equipped

When you click your mouse to use the flare

But do not hold the mouse button to actually light the torch

Then the screen gamma shouldn't increase (Does in my case. You can click rapidly to restart lighting the flare to keep the gamma high without using up the flare. Also happens with other usable items like the matches and storm lantern)

My setup includes Ultra display quality, 1920x1080 screen resolution, full screen.

I can update with more example or attach logs if you'd like.

EDIT: Oh. Shoot. While looking through the current open bugs I accidentally posted this in the Steam OS forum.

This was actually discovered on a PC. Request that a moderator/administrator move this post to over there. My apologies for giving you unnecessary work.

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