Private Message stuck in Outbox


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I am registered and logged in. I have a private message sitting in the Outbox which appears to be going nowhere. The FAQ answers on this do not seem to apply. How do I get the message moving so it appears in Sent Messages? I already hit Submit when I finished composing the message. Using the username shown by the poster in the forum.

BTW, where do you find theses "Board Administrators" they mention in the FAQ on Private Messaging?

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When you send a message, it is moved to your "Outbox" folder. Once the recipient has actually retrieved and read your message, it will automatically move to your "Sent" folder. It can be a little confusing, but this is part of phpbb's board functionality.

The board admin can be found here:


You can also message myself or Patrick if you have any questions. Hope that helps!

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Thank you very for clarifying the process.

It might be helpful to explain this in your FAQs on Private Messaging. In fact, you could just cut & paste your response here as an answer for a new question that might go: "How does Private Messaging work when I click on Submit?"

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