Lack of bear in one region


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Having played TLD quite a bit, I have gotten to know the general areas where I can spot a bear in any region. In my current game I have seen bears in Pleasant Valley (made a bearskin bedroll there) and in Coastal Valley.

However, I have seen no sign of a bear in Mystery Lake after being there at least 90 days. [spoiler alert] I usually see a bear eventually wandering around in the northeast section of the Lake down to near the Lone Cabin. And, another bear hangout is in the Clearcut near the bottom of the trail leading up to the Forestry Lookout. But I have not seen a single bear in the Mystery Lake region in this game, despite my thorough travels.

Is it normal to not have any bear at all in a region? Is this an anomaly in the bear spawning algorithm in my current game? Or is the game program "player sensitive" (i.e., "He's already seen his share of bear in the other regions, so withhold bear in this region.)? Or should I go to another region for awhile to sort of "restart the bear-spawning clock" in Mystery Lake upon my return?

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However, I have seen no sign of a bear in Mystery Lake after being there at least 90 days. [spoiler alert] I usually see a bear eventually wandering around in the northeast section of the Lake down to near the Lone Cabin. And, another bear hangout is in the Clearcut near the bottom of the trail leading up to the Forestry Lookout. But I have not seen a single bear in the Mystery Lake region in this game, despite my thorough travels.

So, have you checked the remaining two bear spawn locations in ML?

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