Quality of Life

Arcadia Nights

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What I mean by Quality of Life, is the stuff that can be done to make the gameplay and menu navigation more intuitive where it makes sense.

I would like to see the option to immediately eat the food that you just cooked. It's a pain to cook a cup of coffee or a can of soup and then have to back out and open up the main menu, then navigate to that item of food and consume it before it gets cold.

This is small, but it would make it feel more realistic. Increase the speed of opening a can with the can opener. As it currently is, it takes longer to open the can, than it does to eat the food. The can opener should feel almost instant.

Add a Thermos. You could use it to put hot Tea, Coffee, or Soup in it which would keep it hot for much longer.

If anyone has any other simple stuff to add, feel free to add your ideas.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The thermos is genius.

It would stay warm for hours, and also give a small warming bonus because of course... You'd carry the warm canister under your jacket or vest for warmth. Duh. Survivorman 101.

Also, the thermos could hold multiple cups of coffee or tea or shroom juice, so you can brew the entire can of coffee, and carry it around and sip a cup at a time. So what if I have 3 thermoses of coffee?! ITS THE MOST IMPORTANT FOOD GROUP! And if I'm dying today... I'm dying caffeinated.

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QoL #1: is adding the "hours of " time to the sleep menu since it's available to check in your overall status. I often click on the bed to sleep, think "Wait, how many hours till dawn?", back out and check the time, and *then* go to sleep.

QoL #2: Stack matches in a single box (one for wooden, one for cardboard), and list them in smaller groups by quality. Have each box auto-select to use the lowest quality first.

QoL #3: A button that allows melting and boiling water in one (longer) step.

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