Add a Map

Arcadia Nights

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I normally read most of the threads (depending on the amount of pages!..) but I'm half aslepp as Iwrite this and I need to leave soon.

If we are given a map, no matter how it's given to us (a full map, a slowly developed map/fog of war till it's discovered etc etc)... can we please have the option to turn it OFF. I cannot highly stress this enough.

I discovered and mapped out Mystery Lake myself (by good old pencil and paper). It may sound sound sad but it was actually quite fun (male 34... maybe I'm strange!)

For Coastal Highway and Pleasant Valley I, I hate myself for doing it, after a while and low on ammo etc etc, I went online and found some maps. As soon as I did it, it sort of ruined the discovery and exploration factor of those two maps. Surviving (which is the whole point of the game) was soo easiy that I just pointed myself in one direction (I'll regret that wording I'm sure)... and away I went, found the farmhouse and yea, ruined my experience.

I am however for a version of 'paint' where we get to draw our own maps (maybe in-game we have to find pencil and paper before this becomes an option). This would be a fantastic little addition (I say little addition, lol sorry devs, a lot more work than these few lines). Would also be a cool feature if our maps would degrade over time (lines fade etc) and we have to re-go-over it. Would fit in if you this we're folding the map, putting it in our pockets etc etc, it would IRL get warn, torn, faded etc

A slowly developing map personally would not ruin the experience IF we had to thorooughly explore a certain area MANY times or maybe our character actually has to stand out, look at a certain area and a map slowly gets created of the area that is being viewed (the idea being that it would be so cold, blizzards, lack of view etc that the map would be an absolute bugger to create/take a loong time like hours/days especially if the heights need to be punt in).

I will say that finding a map of an area wouldn't seem out of place (tourist maps, guides, OS maps). In fact I know that in-game this would actually give me joy to find a map... at the same time the surprise discovery and exploration of the unexplored area would be cut short.... so I'm in two minds. Maybe the map is torn and we only get given a section/portion of an area so we feel happy with this new knowledge but the whole area is not given away and ruined. Hopefully this makes sense.

Note - plenty of people have had this 'paint' idea and it could also double as a sketch pad/diary. I'd upload some pic's to the community, maybe others would find this feature cool as well. The whole game has this paint artwork style to it so this could be a cool little way to put that deeper into the game. Could be a collectable lol, different styles of artkit (chalk, paint, pencil etc) and unitil we find that kit we can only draw in that certain style.

I need cooffee and to leave

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I'd be alright with portions of maps posted on walls (or elsewhere) that identify general layout or particular features or are used in narrative. (there actually is a low res one in game already! ;) )

I'd also be alright with a fill in as you go map-- but only if filling it in is completely manual. Basically a digital pencil and paper.

The key thing is that the player has be able to locate themselves on the map (of any kind) without the aid of the game. No to blips please. The player needs to use their grey matter a bit.

I agree that an accurate map that just fills in is counter to the spirit of the game.

This is why I dont think this feature needs to be added at all. Why need a digital pencil and paper? I have the real thing in front of me and it's been working fine. Heck, I prefer it.

So, I think the Devs should devote their time to more necessary pursuits and if people want to make a map, no. 2 pencils are cheap.

But a map mounted on a wall that's not necessarily to scale (amusement park type maps) Wouldnt do too much damage, I think. You'd know the relative position of a couple major landmarks, but not have an accurate reporting of anything between the locations.

Like this, but... woodsy.

It only shows vague locations of things, nothing is to scale (look at the size of that visitor's center and the car) and only the main road is outlined. No maintenance sheds, no power stations, etc.


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How about adding ruined or otherwise useless maps as rare items and a game in-joke?

There would be some covered in coffee stains, some with gaping holes where the useful bits should be, and some that show incredible detail of places not in the game (like Las Vegas).

If these maps are rare enough, they might have a small set of character comments to go with them. "Well this is useful." "Aw, maannnn..." "You have got to be kidding me!"

Such maps would be usable as tinder.

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How about adding ruined or otherwise useless maps as rare items and a game in-joke?

There would be some covered in coffee stains, some with gaping holes where the useful bits should be, and some that show incredible detail of places not in the game (like Las Vegas).

If these maps are rare enough, they might have a small set of character comments to go with them. "Well this is useful." "Aw, maannnn..." "You have got to be kidding me!"

Such maps would be usable as tinder.

That's a pretty fun idea!

@danicusrex, nice choice of example maps ;)

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While I do think a basic map function in the game would be cool, I don't think it is required. I do think a basic journal entry would help a lot. Have a section in the back of the diary where I could write down what I have / have seen / hope to find. Whenever we are in that area (say Carter Dam) and open the journal, your entry automatically pops up. The player could then add some more notes and then carry on.

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I see an in game map as a :

Realism - 2

Playability +1

Its just not realistic that the character would have the equipment, time, and skills, to do wilderness cartography while trying to survive in the bush. What would be more realistic is that he/she could find or make cartography equipment, and then spend a long time using it to accurately put together a map over time, but that would have to be a long term project for him/her. What would be perfectly realistic would be finding a pre-made map of the local area in the camp office, ranger station, or any house that is in the area. If I searched my house for maps, I would probably find about 10 (admittedly, I have not bought a new map of anyplace since I got a smart phone)

Just draw a map yourself with a pencil and piece of paper. Like, in real life. Thats what I did.

I concur with danicusrex. This is the perfectly realistic map making skill. I made a map (and reframed from looking at maps online) for pleasant valley when it first came out. You would not believe how out of whack my hand drawn map is the ones I found online after I had completely explored the area.

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