Break Down Tool for Deconstructive Interior Design


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I thoroughly enjoy being part of the Alpha process. Am absolutely amazed by the improvements that come out each month. You must be a really fun, creative group. And very mischievous,too. Luv you folks.

The moment I read about Direct Harvesting, I quickly re-opened my ongoing game and went to the Pleasant Valley Farmstead where I have been staying. I immediately Broke Down that chair which has been lying on its side in the middle of the kitchen floor. I have bumped into that darned chair a hundred times when I have raced through the kitchen to do something (bump in ... turn left/right ... continue forward). Now it's out of the way for good! LMAO!

Am not planning on destroying much furniture elsewhere. I really do appreciate the interior decors. Well, maybe get rid of that crib in the way upstairs . . . and maybe the coffee table in front of the fireplace at my Coastal Highway Townsite home with the very tight living room . . . . This is gonna be fun.

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It's so funny to me to see how many people went after that chair right away! I mean, as soon as the mechanic was announced, there were so many people so excited to destroy it before doing anything else.

I did it too. What can I say? I like to keep things tidy =)

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That chair died the moment I realized there was something new in the game. Thanks so much!

I'm nervous about the other changes, funny how you tend to "hoard" once you're past day 50 or so. No chances, no extra risks. But from what I read, it will actually be easier to avoid a freak storm or wolf in many ways.

Also, it's given me a whole new set of daily chores to go out trekking for wood each day. New life in TLD and very much what wood foraging should be!

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