244 Game freeze, item at 99% cure, changes 100 Freeze


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I had a uncured maple sapling on the camp office floor at 99%. As I examined the item, I had to options to take it or leave it. The item completed to 100% while looking at said item and the game froze. The item normally changes into a cured maple piece at 100%.

I am guessing the code did not know what to do. The item I was examining didn't exist anymore in the memory stack so it froze. Or after altering the maple sapling variable it didn't have the capability to alter the view item function I was in so it froze. I did not attempt to recreate the freeze condition to see if it can be duplicated. I am interested in what would happen to items that are at 1% and are examined and go to 0%. I would suspect it would freeze the game too.

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