50 days of True OuterMisery (TOM): Stay only in places that accumulate "hours outdoors" on stats page

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True OuterMisery (TOM):

  • Misery mode but only stay in places that accumulate "hours outdoors" on stats page
  • Anywhere that accumulates "hours indoors" is off-limits
    • all locations with load screen and areas with significant warmth bonus
    • exceptions:
      • warm part of open caves allowed to loot but not stayed in
      • transition caves/mines between 2 regions allowed to pass through ONLY IF there is no other purely outdoor way (e.g. can pass through HRV-MT cave but not ML-MT cave). No looting or loitering allowed in such caves/mines
  • "Hours indoors" can be non-zero (as you might accumulate enough indoor time at some point), but keep it as close as possible to zero.


Full run (no commentary gameplay):


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