Darkwalker challenge, wrongly completed

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To explain what exactly happened was I did on run and made it it bleak inlet made it to its campfire and rested but unaware that fire only last for 2 hours died trying to make it to bleak inlet transition cave to forlorn Muskeg and i got off for the night 

I came back, loaded up a new darkwalker challenge run in desolation point to get both the badge and feat, I don’t have many feats and I only had all the tales from the far territory badges

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2 hours ago, Laxgoalie said:

This has happened to me as well. It also shows my completion time as 1 second. I just tell my friends I’m really really good at this game.

So, free feat and badge :/

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Posted (edited)

This error also exists for ATDS. This one was created when I quit out of the challenge because I forgot to close the garage door. A strange strategy for completing the challenge quickly.


Edited by Laxgoalie
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